We’ve all heard that “breakfast is the most important meal of the day,” but how many of us grab a slice of toast on the way out the door or skip it all together? Isn’t it time we made sure we’re starting the day off right with a nutritious meal?

A recent survey found that 84% of people have felt that their usual breakfast choices are boring. It has been reported that nearly a third of people skip breakfast as a result.

Some people don’t have time to cook a healthy breakfast because they have to take their kids to school and commute, while others don’t start feeling hungry until later in the day.

Although there are many reasons why someone might miss breakfast, it is important to remember that studies have shown that skipping breakfast can increased your risk of heart disease and diabetes.

Though what you consume is crucial, carving out time to relish your breakfast and establish a wholesome morning routine is of equal importance.

The importance of breakfast lies in it being the first meal of the day. The process of breaking a fast is essentially consuming food or drink after a long period of not consuming anything. This is usually done after a period of sleep. It does refuel the body.

If you don’t have time for things like batch cooking oats or making a frittata. Here are 10 quick and easy ways to supercharge your breakfast, and get your day off to the best start.

1. Don’t reach for the caffeine straight away!

Most of us drink coffee as soon as we wake up, but research has shown it’s best to drink your coffee after breakfast rather than before it.

A study published in the British Journal of Nutrition found that if you drink coffee before breakfast, your blood glucose response to the meal will be increased by 50%.

Instead of drinking coffee in the morning, you could either drink a herbal tea or make sure you have eaten something substantial before drinking caffeine.

Wholegrains could be the best way to improve your breakfast by providing more slow-digesting fiber. This type of fiber can make you feel fuller longer while keeping your blood sugar level steady.

If you think you need caffeine to function well, having it with a nutritious breakfast may help you start your day in a good way.

If you don’t need caffeine, drinking herbal tea can improve your digestive system, relieve stress, and even help prevent depression.

2. Don’t put breakfast off until mid-morning!

You should not wait long to eat after you wake up.

I believe that it is important to have breakfast within one hour of waking up, and that it should be a filling meal that is packed with nutrients. Eating a healthy breakfast will help you feel full throughout the day and prevent you from overeating later on.

3. Make simple swaps!

You can make healthier changes by swapping a few simple things.

You could improve your morning routine by swapping your regular OJ for a fresh veggie juice or one packed with multivitamins.

You can still eat toast, but you could make it healthier by using whole wheat bread and adding peanut butter and chopped banana for healthy fats and potassium.




4. Pack a protein punch!

If you want more energy throughout the day, a high protein breakfast is the way to go, according to studies. You can find protein in a lot of breakfast foods, like cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, and so on.

According to nutritionist Kate Dimmer, you don’t need to add protein powder to breakfast if you’re already including wholefood proteins like nuts, seeds, eggs, dairy yoghurt, fish, or meat.

If you typically have a smoothie for breakfast, adding a scoop of protein powder can be beneficial. No matter what, adding some protein to your breakfast will make you feel fuller for a longer period of time, and set your day up for success.

If you want to have consistent energy levels throughout the day, you should eat protein-rich grains like buckwheat, quinoa, or amaranth for breakfast instead of sugary snacks.

Other high-quality protein options for breakfast include lean meats, free-range poultry, wild salmon, tuna, and plant-based options like chickpeas, lentils, and tofu.

5. Look for natural nootropics!

One way to make your breakfast more effective is to find a herbal tea that contains nootropics. Nootropics are a natural substance that has been shown to improve brain function. A tea that contains rosemary or ginkgo biloba can boost brain health.

6. Don’t forget to breathe!

When you wake up, take a few deep breaths and close your eyes. If you want to maintain good mental health, you should spend a couple of minutes each day doing it when you first wake up. This is according to hypnotherapist Geraldine Joaquim, who says that you should take some deep breaths and close your eyes.

Focus on long slow deep breaths. If you place one hand on your stomach and the other on your heart, you can feel your body moving with each breath. Aim for six to 10 breaths per minute.

A protein shake made with whey powder and spinach or a banana makes for a quick, protein-rich breakfast.

Conscious breathing is a practice that allows you to be aware of your feelings, thoughts, and reactions to various stimuli while slowing down. Before eating your next meal, take a couple of minutes to focus on your breath.

Breathing slowly and deeply can help you resist unhealthy cravings and impulsive eating, which could help prevent eating disorders such as food guilt and binge eating.

7. Spend five minutes journaling!

Adding journaling to your morning routine can help boost your day.

According to studies, journaling can help improve your immune system and self-confidence, among other things. A journal can be used for writing an action plan, setting intentions, or keeping track of things the writer is grateful for.

8. Bulk buy breakfast bits so you don’t run out!

If you buy large quantities of your favorite breakfast foods, or set up a recurring subscription, you will never have to worry about running out.

If you’re looking for a breakfast option that you can subscribe to on a monthly basis, you might want to check out My Breakfast Box. With this service, you’ll receive breakfast blends that can be used to make overnight oats.

There is also the Squirrel Sisters Breakfast Box which includes on-the-go snack bars, muesli and porridge oats, and a range of breakfast toppers.

9. Opt for a low GI breakfast!

The glycemic index measures how much a food raises your blood sugar. Many breakfast foods, such as white bread toast and sugar-packed cereals, have a high glycemic index.

However, research suggests that choosing a breakfast with a low glycemic index could have benefits if you find yourself snacking mid-morning. Some examples of breakfast foods that have a low glycemic index are rolled oats, steel cut oats, apples, yoghurt, eggs, and beans.

10. Make your own juice!

Juices that are homemade or delivered cold press are better than ones that are ready-made because the nutrient level will be lower in supermarket ones.

Purium’s Juice Bar in a Bag contains over 50 organic vegetables, fruits and herbs. There is a blend for everyone with this personal on-the-go juice bar that has 6 different products that create over 50 drink flavors!

Although fruit juice is healthy, it is important to remember that it is high in sugar. If you’re a fan of juices and smoothies, you should limit yourself to one small glass per day.

11. Avoid sugary, processed breakfast cereals!

Although commercial breakfast cereals are often delicious, they are not always the best choice for breakfast.

A 2016 study found that over half of the surveyed breakfast cereals contained more than half the Recommended Daily Allowance of sugar for a three-year-old, while 34 per cent of the products contained 20 per cent of the RDA of salt per 100g.

Processing grains strips them of many nutrients, and the high amount of sugar in breakfast cereals can cause a quick rise in blood sugar levels. This can contribute to weight gain, a rise in cholesterol, and inconsistent energy levels.

Whole grains may be the most efficient way to supercharge your breakfast. They contain slow-digesting fiber, which can keep you satiated for longer while maintaining a steady blood sugar level.

You can supercharge your breakfast by including a variety of different grains like sorghum, amaranth, oats, and quinoa.

There are some breakfast cereals that are healthier than others. If you can’t avoid them altogether, trade in the unhealthy ones for ones that are better for you, like wholegrain muesli, low sugar granola bars, and quick oats. Foods that are high in fiber and make you feel full are usually a better option.




12. Introduce oats into your diet!

Oats are a versatile food that can help you feel full for a long time because they are high in fiber.

Oat bran is a rich source of beta-glucan, a soluble fiber with gut-friendly prebiotic properties. Beta-glucan has been shown to promote digestive health, including preventing constipation, alleviating inflammation, and controlling plasma cholesterol levels.

Here are a few suggestions for ways to make your breakfast more nutritious by adding oats. Rolled oats can be soaked overnight in milk or a dairy-free milk alternative such as almond milk to make overnight oats.

Finish it by adding a mix of nuts, seeds, and/or fruit. If you’re short on time, instant oatmeal can be a nutritious option.

13. Include more nuts, seeds and berries!

The tryptophan in nuts and seeds is turned into serotonin when it’s digested, and serotonin is known as one of the “happiness hormones.”

The breakfast foods listed can help increase the amount of omega-3, fiber, and protein to help sustain energy levels throughout the day.

To make a more interesting and nutritional breakfast, top your porridge or oatmeal with nuts and seeds. Some good options include pumpkin, sunflower, almond flakes, cashews, pecans, and sesame seeds.

If you want to improve the flavor of your food, as well as increase the levels of antioxidants and micronutrients, you should add superfoods such as goji berries, blueberries and quinoa seeds. This will help to improve your heart health and decrease your chances of developing chronic diseases.

However, these foods are often very high in calories, so you need to be careful about how much you eat.

14. Shake it up!

You can get your daily dose of fiber and antioxidants by drinking smoothies.

Blend frozen fruits and vegetables with a dairy-free milk or yogurt for a quick, easy, and healthy breakfast.

If you don’t have time for a big breakfast, a protein shake with whey powder and spinach or a banana is a quick and nutritious option.

15. Put it on toast!

There are many ways to make toast more interesting, including making a delicious and nutritious breakfast toast.

To make a healthy toast, start by spreading avocado or nut butter on the toast. Then add a layer of protein such as smoked salmon, poached eggs, or an omelette. A fiber component can be added to the diet by eating foods like chia or pumpkin seeds, and adding vegetables like spinach, kale, tomatoes, or bell peppers to meals.

Wholegrain and multigrain breads are better for you than white bread because they are digested more slowly, keeping you more active during the day.

Supercharge Your Breakfast

“One should not attend even the end of the world without a good breakfast,” as Robert A. Heinlein famously once said.

There’s no reason to avoid a nutritious breakfast that will help set you up for the day because it requires minimal effort and time.

Although it may take some time and effort to get used to, eating a nutritious breakfast can be very beneficial.

Even though it may be difficult at first, once you start noticing the positive changes to your mood, energy, productivity, and health, you may find it easier to incorporate my suggestions into your daily routine, forming a healthy habit.



READ MORE:  How The Pandemic Changed Breakfast


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