Introduction to Holistic Muscle Recovery Understanding Muscle Recovery Muscle recovery is a critical process that occurs after physical activity, where the body repairs and strengthens muscle fibers. During exercise, muscles undergo stress, leading to microscopic tears. This damage, while initially causing soreness, is essential for muscle growth and increased strength.Continue Reading

Your Achilles tendon is the tendon that connects the back of your leg to your heel  You use your Achilles to run, walk, and jump  Injuries can happen to your Achilles tendon  The most common one is Achilles tendonitis  This is when the tendonContinue Reading

Shin splints are a common problem in people who run, dance, or military recruits  Shin splints are when you have pain along the inner part of your shinbone, the bone that runs along the front of your leg  It is an exercise related problem thatContinue Reading