Your Achilles tendon is the tendon that connects the back of your leg to your heel  You use your Achilles to run, walk, and jump  Injuries can happen to your Achilles tendon  The most common one is Achilles tendonitis  This is when the tendonContinue Reading

Bacterial vaginosis is a common vaginal infection  It occurs when the good and bad bacteria in the vagina become out of balance  There is usually an overgrowth of bad bacteria that leads to the infections  Anyone can develop bacterial vaginosis Continue Reading

Rhabdomyosarcoma is the most common of soft tissue sarcomas in children  It is a rare type of cancer  That affects the soft tissues in the body, these are tissues that support and connect organs  Rhabdomyosarcoma mostly affects children under theContinue Reading

Cold intolerance also known as cold sensitivity is a condition where your body over exaggerates to the cold  Along with feeling overly cold all the time you may also suffer from symptoms such as numbness, stiffness, pain, weakness, swelling ofContinue Reading

Dropper bottle of Pineal Clear supplement on table.

Exploring Pineal Clear: A Comprehensive Approach to Enhanced Brain and Sleep Health In the pursuit of mental clarity and quality sleep, holistic health practitioners often turn to the wisdom of nature. Purium’s Pineal Clear emerges as a product of such wisdom, crafted with a blend of traditional herbs and extractsContinue Reading

Candida albicans is a fungus  This fungus naturally is inside our body  Candida means yeast  This yeast is normally in our mouth, skin, and intestines in small amounts  When the yeast becomes out of balance and there is an overgrowth it canContinue Reading

A hernia is when any organ or tissue pushes through a weakness in the tissue barrier that normally contains the organs  A hiatal hernia is the most common type of hernia  It is when the top of your stomach bulges through an opening in yourContinue Reading