Today we will discuss 4 diet and exercise tips to lose weight fast at home. I know that many of you are struggling to lose weight and this is why I decided to write this article.
We will cover 4 easy simple tricks to lose weight fast at home. You do not need to buy a gym membership in order to lose weight.
As you know obesity is currently at its highest level, it is estimated that over one third of global population is either over weight or obese.
The UK government doing what it can to tackle local obesity problem. But we citizens have to take action too! Because obesity can cause numerous long term health issues such as: diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol, etc.
4 Diet and Exercise Tips to Lose Weight Fast at Home
- Start your day with a fibre rich breakfast. My suggestion is 3 Weetabix biscuits with warm skimmed milk, 1 toast and tea without sugar. This breakfast example will cost you less than 500 calories and will give you ample of energy.
- Split your 3 course meals in to 6 small portions, these must be rich in proteins and complex carbohydrates. I suggest to login your daily meals to better estimate your daily calories intake. It should not exceed your BMR!
- Drink at least 3 litres of water a day. Water has zero calories and it can easily fill up your stomach for long time. Ideally you want to take your last sip of water at 18h to avoid wet beds.
- Do at least 90 minutes daily cardio exercise; you can do that by simply walking around your home or at your local park. I suggest you buy a pedometer and start counting steps. In order to lose weight you must walk 10000 steps a day.
There you have it! 4 diet and exercise tips to lose weight fast at home; follow every single step and you will lose weight guaranteed!
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