
The demographic make-up of the UK is changing and, as a result, government officials and people working in the medical field must confront the health issues that accompany a population that is getting increasingly older.

A health plan for individuals in Wales over the age of five decades included eight main components: physical activity, nutritious food intake, house safety and comfort, psychological well-being, health security, smoking cigarettes, alcoholic beverages, and sexual wellbeing.

The goal of this exploration was to outline the scope, topics, and regional dissimilarities of health promotion activities for the elderly in Wales operated by government, nonprofit, and for-profit corporations.

Local Health Promotion Initiatives for Older People in Wales

In 2006, the Welsh Assembly Government obtained a study to evaluate the scope of health promotion programs in eight particular areas of focus in Wales.

Physical Activity

The greatest amount of health-focused activities specifically targeting senior citizens fell into this category, encompassing three countrywide initiatives in Wales, as well as 42 area or municipal schemes. Swimming was able to be done free of charge by those aged 60 years of age or above at all pools owned and operated by the local authority. The EXTEND program utilized light exercise to music in environments for people in residential care, although there were teachers of the program located in Wales, it seemed that there were not enough to satisfy the need. Guided walking programs were available all over, but it was noticed that the majority of participants were usually over the age of fifty. One element of the Keep Well This Winter (KWTW) campaign centered around exercise, mostly giving tips and data. The Moving More Often program, designed for the elderly and weak, was being tested in six different locations and will be implemented across Wales if it is successful. In Wales, resources were not distributed consistently among all regions, specifically K, O, and U had five localized projects, whereas E, F, and Q had none. No initiatives involving exercise that focused on elderly members of a non-white race were reported.




Healthy Eating

There were plenty of lunch clubs in Wales, but not much was known about whether the food given was nutritious or if any initiatives were taken to tell people about the positives of consuming nutritious dishes. Healthy nutrition composed another aspect of the KWTW campaign’s “Remain Healthy” topic, and healthy dietary habits presentations and culinary demos were included in KWTW excursions. Just nine regions had initiatives for healthy eating, and out of the 14 projects, nine of them were minor. The predominant way to convey information in these projects was through show and tell sessions (events, talks, demonstrations, and leaflets); four programs, however, had a more in-depth approach, providing individuals with a interactive experience to gain knowledge in cooking, food procurement, and budgeting. In certain places, attempts like Green Gyms and food sharing groups were made to facilitate access to regionally grown seasonal fruits and vegetables, though not purely for seniors.

Home Safety and Warmth

The ‘keep warm’ and ‘keep safe’ campaigns run by KWTW included road shows that explained home safety and warmth. These events highlighted various topics such as energy efficiency, electric blanket testing, free low energy light bulbs, smoke alarms, home heating, improvement grants, financial help and preventing falls. Care and Repair Cymru is a charity in Wales that specializes in home improvements, repairs, and modifications to stop slips and falls and can suggest trustworthy and reliable contractors. Local endeavors focused on providing relief from fuel poverty, avoiding accidental injuries, and securing home safety. Provision was patchy with 19 projects in 10 areas. Eight local initiatives were developed with the goal of preventing falls, but only half of them focused on providing ‘non-skid’ slippers.

Emotional Health

Campaigns concerning emotional health highlighted socializing, conversing with and offering advice to others, and encouraging intellectual activity. The University of the Third Age offered multiple activities to promote friendships and collective learning, as well as physical exercise. Meanwhile, Age Concern’s Better advice: Better Health programme focussed on assistance for wellbeing and benefits, and Community Service Volunteers’ Retired and Senior Volunteer Scheme provided elderly citizens with the skills and preparation needed to participate in voluntary work in a plethora of scenarios. Age Concern offered befriending services in areas K, L, and R; counseling for matters such as getting adjusted to retired life, grief, fear, family matters, and connection issues (areas K and L); and information regarding aid and advantages (area B).

There was not much established documentation about efforts to involve older individuals in art and handicrafts, which may be due to the fact that these sorts of initiatives were not usually in the realm of the work of health promotion authorities. There were chances to get involved across the country through the University of the Third Age, but the only area L locale mentioned was hosting an eisteddfod for elderly people that included competitions in music, arts, and other handicrafts. Incorporating a social aspect was a part of a number of local projects like meal groups.

Health Protection

The primary way to safeguard public health is through national programs that vaccinate against influenza and pneumococcal diseases. An annual KWTW campaign aimed to maximize uptake. Moreover, four initiatives from the surrounding vicinity sought to advocate for immunisation and overall health consciousness, and two of them even went as far as doing general health check-ups (such as blood pressure, cholesterol and body mass index).

Smoking Cessation

Area L organized an examination of smoking cessation programs for elderly people. Area H Smoking Cessation Services had a booth at a function for the elderly (KWTW 2004/5 initiative). No other accounts of aid with quitting smoking, tailored to the requirements of elderly people, were reported.

Sensible Drinking

No known health initiatives paid attention to the issue of alcohol intake with regards to either the motivations for drinking or the consequences of it such as falls and crashes, malnutrition, and clouded thought processes. No steps were outlined that would motivate individuals to recognize and receive aid for their alcohol issues or to allow friends and family members or care workers to spot the issue and appropriately react to it. K’s alcohol and drug abuse services had personnel who were trained to assist elderly folks in curbing their alcohol intake.

Is your drinking under control?  Health Surgeon’s Alcohol Abuse Quiz

Initiatives that Promote Sexual Health

No plans to improve the intimate wellbeing of aging adults were mentioned.


All health promotion initiatives: intensity of provision

Figuring out how much healthcare was provided was difficult because of varying levels of how people completed the survey; different types of projects from local ones to ones that affected the whole of Wales; heights of people taking part; how long the project lasted for; the strength of contact with the targeted demographic; different age ranges; and special requirements such as cultural background, place of residence, or type of living arrangement.


Our Ageing Society Should Be Celebrated

We cannot reach our aspirations of an aging-friendly Wales apart from one another- it is necessary for everyone to develop a plan. The Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act plans to construct a Wales that will suit everyone’s needs presently and for years to come. Stereotypes that put generations against each other have no place in society. I am very eager to investigate how we can bring individuals of all ages together – by taking steps to assist elderly individuals presently, we can make a brighter future for all.

This plan opts for a rights-based strategy which encourages equality and fair treatment in many areas and puts the opinions of senior citizens at the heart of Welsh Government decision-making. As we transition back to life as it was before the pandemic, it is essential that we do not let this crisis lead to the insertion of preconceived ideas regarding old age as a period of sickness and deterioration.

The formation of this document has been based on the United Nations Principles for Older Persons and will be supervised in light of these principles. No matter how old a person is, they deserve to be treated fairly. We hope to establish a level playing field for all people, allowing those of all ages to reach their maximum capability without regard to their origin or conditions.

We are currently creating a plan of action to facilitate the execution of this Strategy. The scheme will be an interactive file that can be renewed anytime, but the developments will be revealed on an annual basis.


The Opportunity and the Challenge

It is anticipated that by 2038, Wales will have a quarter of its population who are 65 and older. The inhabitants over 75 in Wales is forecasted to augment from 9.3% of the total population in 2018 to 13.7% by 2038, according to figures from the Office for National Statistics in 2019. It should be pointed out that life expectancy has not increased since 2011, and there has been minimal transition in the recent years.

Nonetheless, there have been dramatic changes to society over the past few years. The estimated population of those living alone has been rising progressively during the last ten years. Today, those aged 65 and over comprise 45% of households consisting of only one person. Between 2006/07 and 2015/16, figures showed that the quantity of individuals with Alzheimer’s on the register increased by 43%, going from 9,550 to 13,617. The quantity of carers in Wales who are not receiving compensation for their work is increasing and individuals aged 65 and older are the cohort that is expanding the quickest.

Living longer means more years spent in retirement for most people, and this gives us the chance to do all the activities we desire and live the kind of life we choose. The National Survey for Wales reveals some advantageous outcomes for the elderly. Approximately seven out of every ten people aged over seventy-five reported feeling as though they have a connection to a community, as opposed to only roughly one out of every two people in the age group of forty-six to sixty-four. 35% of people aged 64-75 volunteer. Nearly all elderly individuals feel they have command over their lives and the vast majority believe they are able to do things that matter to them.

The Welsh Government’s commitment to older people is longstanding. Wales is renowned for its longstanding tradition of compliance and assistance toward elderly people. In 2003, we released our first “Strategy for Older People,” which went against current assumptions of elderly people and pushed local and national officials to look at aging in a more positive light.

Governments can promote a mindset in the community where admiration is bestowed upon the elderly in the form of a ‘Strategy for Older People’, thereby recognizing their importance in society. In 2008, to ensure that elderly people’s voices were heard, the first ever Older People’s Commissioner was appointed in Wales to act as a spokesperson and defender for elderly people. In 2002, we became the first region in the UK to launch a pan-national discounted fare program.

We expanded the parameters of our ‘Strategy for an Ageing Society’ beyond those of our prior plans for seniors. We haven’t set a definitive age to determine when one is considered ‘an older person’ so that individuals from all ages can take part in this project. Recognizing that individuals from ages 50 to 80 and beyond have vastly different life stories and everyday happenings is part of this plan. As a result, this plan encompasses numerous areas of policy, such as providing health and social care for seniors with complicated problems, helping working-age individuals who act as carers, and bolstering the foundation of the economy.

The 2018 report ‘Living Well for Longer: The economic argument for investing in the health and well-being of older people in Wales’ (Tudur Edwards et al) estimated that the yearly economic contribution made by seniors in Wales was equivalent to £2.19billion. Nonetheless, an older population does create new difficulties for government, localities, and people. The effects of the coronavirus pandemic, longstanding social/economic stratification, cutbacks in public spending, and the increasing elderly people with complicated health situations cannot be disregarded. Acting now will help eliminate the issues that keep some elderly people from enjoying life and yield the best outcomes from the growing population of seniors.

Ensuring that people can access services in Welsh language that suit their level of Welsh language skills, providing people with chances to use the language, and increasing their proficiency in Welsh are all necessary to having an age-friendly Wales, and we will collaborate with partners to ensure that the Welsh language policy is applied to every step of carrying out the strategy.

When making preparations for a society of senior citizens, we must take into account how advances in technology are changing how services are distributed, our living arrangements, and how we relate to other people. Throughout this document, there are instances of how technology can modify and enhance the lifestyles of elderly citizens in Wales. The Digital Strategy for Wales (March 2021) outlines a promising objective and aim for how digital technology can be utilized simultaneously throughout Wales. This text indicates that six individual objectives are outlined that, when combined, are intended to speed up the favorable effects of digital technology for the citizens, public services, and businesses in Wales. The goal is plainly obvious: for those who lack the abilities to or don’t want to use digital mediums, we will continue to design public services in Wales with users in mind, providing alternative access ways that are as great as access through digital media.


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