Year Round Vitamin C supplement
Supports healthy immune system because it contains real vitamin C unlike most drugstore brands. It may also promote healthy cholesterol levels and cardiovascular function.
- Supports healthy immune function
- Contains powerful antioxidants
- May promote healthy cholesterol levels and cardiovascular function
- May promote increased serotonin levels
More Information
What it is: A proprietary blend of the most potent whole food sources of natural vitamin C.
Benefits: May help support a healthy immune system and reduce the onset of colds or the flu and/or aging related degeneration of health.
Interesting Facts:
Amalaki or Amla berry has been used for centuries. It was featured in a 7th century Ayurvedic medical text as the best medicine to prevent aging. In traditional Ayurvedic medicine it is also known for its` immune-enhancing benefits and as a general tonic for optimal health. Amla has been specifically indicated for people with anemia, asthma, bleeding gums, diabetes, colds, chronic lung disease, hyperlipidemia, yeast infections, scurvy, and cancer to use for treatment and prevention. It is an ancient Indian berry, `Amalaki`, is a source of vitamin C that is 12 times more assimilable than synthetic ascorbic acid. There is no better source of natural vitamin C than Amalaki- AKA Amla berry.
Acerola cherry is known to reduce inflammation, prevent and treat upper respiratory infection, stimulate the immune system, and act as a potent antioxidant. The fruit of the Acerola Cherry tree can contain up to 400mg of Vitamin C per gram of fresh berry compared to 5mg in a peeled orange.
Camu-camu berry is a source of phosphorous, calcium, potassium, iron, the amino acids serine, Valine, and Leucine. Many have used camu-camu to support the immune system, maintain excellent eyesight, create beautiful skin, and help maintain optimal clarity of mind in times of stress and anxiety. It is a great source of antioxidants and is an anti-viral. In studies of botanicals camu-camu ranked #1 related to 12 common ailments that included colds and migraine headaches. Native to the Amazon River Region, Camu Camu has over 100 times the amount of Vitamin C per gram than an orange.
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Rose hips are available throughout the USA. As their name implies, they come from the rose plant – they`re what remains after the petals fall off. Rose hips have been used as a source of nutrition for centuries and are a highly recognized source of vitamin C, they also contain vitamins E and K, and the B vitamins riboflavin and folate. Rose Hips have 20-40 times more Vitamin C than citrus fruit and is very rich in Bioflavonoids, which are vital to build and strengthen your body.
Citrus Bioflavonoids help create collagen, help our bodies utilize vitamin C and keep our skin and connective tissues firm. These compounds are thought to work by strengthening the walls of the blood vessels and are widely used in Europe to treat diseases of the blood vessels and lymph, including hemorrhoids, chronic venous insufficiency, leg ulcers, easy bruising, nosebleeds, and lymphedema following breast cancer surgery. These substances found in citrus fruits have been shown in numerous studies to treat diseases of the blood vessels and the lymphatic system.
Final word from Dave:
Sailors returning from long voyages often suffered from scurvy; a lack of the nutrient vitamin C. If you had scurvy today and you sought out vitamin C from your nutrition store, your scurvy would not go away because today “ascorbic acid” is being sold as vitamin C even though it contains none of the nutrient by the same name. Ascorbic acid is an antioxidant created by nature to protect the nutrient vitamin C and today is synthetically manufactured from GMO corn and does not resemble the nutrient our body craves at all. We provide nature`s purest form of the vitamin C complex.
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and were not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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- 1Looking to make extra money? We have Brand Partner openings on our team.
- 2Vitamins and Minerals in Purium are listed here
- 3You can Protect your gut bacteria from harmful glyphosate with this.
- 4Purium Health Products are organic and GMO free.
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