Breakfast, Healthy, Hummus, Spread

The saying goes that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but that is only if breakfast is a healthy meal.

The type of breakfast you eat is just as important as actually eating breakfast. For example, a 2018 study found that eating a poor-quality breakfast, such as commercially baked goods, was linked to poorer physical and mental health. A better option is to eat a breakfast that includes whole grains, protein, and healthy fats, such as eggs.

Breakfast is the meal that starts your day and gets your metabolism going, according to Eleana Kaidanian, a registered dietitian with the private practice Long Island Nutritionist.

Even if you have to leave the house early in the morning, it is important to make sure that all members of the family have a healthy and nutritious breakfast.

The following are some quick and easy healthy breakfast ideas that are great for kids, students, and adults.


1. Chia Pudding

Chia pudding should be made the night before in order to have it ready for breakfast. The best liquid to chia seed ratio for the right consistency is 1 tablespoon of seeds to ¼ cup of liquid.  The type of milk you use for the liquid is up to you: dairy milk, plant milk, or coconut milk.

You can also enhance the sweetness of your pudding by adding berries, sliced banana, or a teaspoon of honey. Peanut Butter Chia Pudding, Sugar-Free Vanilla Chia Pudding, and Pumpkin Spice Chia Pudding are all excellent choices.


2. Unsweetened Yogurt with Berries and Granola

Yogurt is a healthy option for breakfast because it contains protein and fat. Greek yogurt is a good choice because it has more protein.

Yogurt and berries make a great breakfast because they’re both packed with nutrients. Yogurt is a good source of calcium, protein, and probiotics, while berries contain antioxidants, fiber, and natural sugars.

When looking at packaged foods, be sure to read the ingredient list to see if there are any unnecessary ingredients included.

When checking the sugar content of a yogurt, be sure to look for “unsweetened” on the front of the container. Sometimes “no sugar added” can actually mean that artificial sweeteners have been used.

When looking for a yogurt without artificial ingredients, search for products that only list milk and active, live cultures as opposed to artificial colors and sweeteners.

Save money by buying a large tub once you find one you like, and make individual parfaits to everyone’s liking. A simple recipe for a Greek yogurt bowl would be:

  • 1/2 cup non-fat Greek yogurt
  • 1/4 cup fresh or thawed frozen blueberries
  • 1 tbsp blueberry fruit preserves (no sugar added)
  • 1 tablespoon hemp hearts
  • 2 tablespoons low sugar granola


3. Banana with Peanut Butter

This is a great breakfast or snack for teenagers to eat on the go – you can add a glob of peanut butter to a partially unpeeled banana and hand it off when you say goodbye.

You can dice up a ripe banana and then warm your nut butter a bit so it drizzles well if you have a bit more time.

If you want your child to eat more fruit, you can add mini chocolate chips as a treat.


4. Protein Smoothie

Adding unsweetened protein powder to your morning smoothie is a great way to increase the protein content by up to 20 grams per serving.

Predigested proteins are one of the highest quality proteins.  Super Amino 23 is a high-quality protein supplement with minimal impact on the body and maximum benefit.

You can make your mornings easier by prepping smoothie packs the night before. This way, you can just dump the ingredients into the blender without having to measure them out.


5. Toast with Deli Meat

Many deli meats exist that are healthier because they do not contain nitrates/nitrites or added sugar. To make your toast more flavorful, add grass-fed butter before adding the meat.

If you have some extra time, adding an egg and some cheese (or avocado) to your toast will make it perfect.


6. Egg Cups

You can make egg cups by adding your favorite protein to a greased muffin tin, covering it with whisked eggs, shredded cheese, and desired seasonings. Egg cups can be served for breakfast, as a side dish, or even for dinner.

To make the egg cups, start by adding diced veggies to the cups. Then, top off the cups with beaten eggs that have a touch of milk and salt and pepper. Finally, bake the egg cups for 15 minutes at 350F.

These egg cups are a great source of protein and can be eaten cold or reheated. They make a great breakfast food when you’re meal prepping.


7. Protein Pancakes

If you have a favorite pancake recipe, you can add a scoop or two of protein powder to the batter to make a great, chewable meal.

If you’re short on time, there are also some prepared options you can buy at the store, like Kodiak Cakes mix. Or, you can make your pancakes ahead of time, store them in an airtight container in the fridge, and then reheat them in the toaster oven.

If you’re looking for a protein-packed meal, serve the pancakes with air fryer turkey bacon.


8. Baked Oatmeal Squares

Baked oatmeal can be made ahead of time and refrigerated until morning, or baked ahead and then cooled.  Baked oatmeal can be cut into squares or broken up and served with milk like granola.  It is better to avoid packets of oatmeal with a lot of sugar and to make your own recipes using natural sweeteners.

If your kids prefer muffins over squares, you can try making healthy muffins like Almond Flour Banana Muffins, Gluten-Free Flax Muffins, or Banana Carrot Muffins.

You can make healthy Banana Oat Cookies with very little sugar, even if you don’t believe it. The pickiest eaters even love a good breakfast cookie.

9. Breakfast Burrito

Do you like the idea of cooking ahead and having meals ready to go in the freezer? If so, you’ll love freezer burritos! They’re easy to make – just cook up a large pan of scrambled eggs, adding some shredded cheese to the mixture if you like. Once they’re cooked, let them cool slightly and then spoon them into burrito-sized tortillas. Wrap them up tightly, label with the date and freeze. When you’re ready for a quick meal, just pop one in the microwave for a minute or two and you’re good to go!

You can add any vegetables you want as long as they are diced and cooked. If you are using vegetables that release a lot of water, like bell peppers or mushrooms, make sure to cook them well and drain them.

Serve your mixture in a warmed-up flour or corn tortilla. Breakfast burritos are a good option if you’re looking for something that’s high in protein and will keep you full until lunchtime.

To make these burritos ahead of time, wrap them in parchment paper and freeze them in a bag. To reheat, defrost them in the refrigerator for 24 hours and then heat them up.


10. Homemade Granola with Milk

You can control the ingredients in granola by making it yourself. This includes choosing your favorite natural sweeteners, as well as the nuts, seeds, and grains that fit your needs in terms of allergies or diet.

If you are looking for a grain-free option, you can try making a 100% nut or seed granola.

Be mindful of your portion size when you add milk to your bowl of cereal. Although the ingredients are all healthy, nuts are high in fat and calories, so don’t eat too much.


11. Vegetable and Egg Hash

For kids who are willing to eat vegetables for breakfast, you could make a breakfast hash consisting of sautéed vegetables, topped with a fried egg. This would be a healthy breakfast option that is low in sugar, and a great way to get vegetables into your diet.


12. Tomato Ricotta Toast

To make this breakfast sandwich, you will need 100% whole grain bread and ricotta cheese. Choose a light and fresh bread, such as a whole wheat bread. Toast the bread and spread a layer of ricotta cheese on top. Add slices of fresh tomatoes and enjoy.

White bread is made with refined flour, which is stripped of its fiber and nutrients while processing. This type of bread is often void of essential vitamins and minerals.

To make this dish, first spread low-fat ricotta cheese on whole-grain toast. Then top it with slices of grilled or raw tomato. To finish, season it with salt, pepper, and dried herbs like basil or oregano.


13. Veggie Egg Muffins

Veggie egg muffins offer both protein and fiber. Eggs are a powerhouse of protein and nutrients like vitamins A, B2, B12, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus.

Beat eggs and then adding toppings of your choice, such as mushrooms, green onions, jalapenos, or bell peppers.

Bake the cupcakes at 350 ºF for 20 minutes. You can make a batch on the weekend and then warming up a couple every morning.


14. Fruit with Nut Butter

If you need a quick breakfast cut up some fruit and dip it in natural nut butter. Nut butter provides protein and healthy fats, while fruit offers fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

Cut up some fruit, such as a banana, apple, or strawberries, and dip it in peanut or almond butter.

You should check the nutrition label on the nut butter to see if there is any added sugar, as consuming too much added sugar can lead to heart disease and diabetes.


15. Loaded Oatmeal

Oats are a great source of both soluble and insoluble fibers. These fibers are digested slowly, keeping you fuller for longer. Additionally, oats are a rich source of antioxidants.

Make oatmeal with water, skim milk, or unsweetened plant-based milk, and top it with blueberries, chopped pecans, and a dash of cinnamon, for added nutrition and flavor.

For an easy way to add soluble fibers to your diet you can try Purium‘s Rice Bran Solubles.   They are the most potent, nutrient-rich part of rice. They are amazing plant complexes that contain a wide variety of nutrients not found in other foods.


16. Savory Oats Porridge

If you’re more interested in savory dishes than sweet ones, give savory porridge a try. With spinach and tomatoes added in, it’s high in vitamins and minerals, and topping it with an egg provides some protein.

Boil steel-cut oats with salt and pepper. Add spinach and tomatoes to it and stir it until the oatmeal is cooked for about 15 to 20 minutes. Top it with a poached or boils egg for added richness.


17. Avocado Toast

Avocados contain healthy fats, fiber, potassium, magnesium, and vitamins A, B6, and C, which makes them a great source of nutrients.

To make this dish, either slice or mash a ripe avocado and spread it on whole-grain toast. Add salt, pepper, lime, and paprika to taste. For a protein boost you can add a hard-boiled or poached egg on top.


18. Quinoa and Fruit Breakfast Salad

Quinoa is a grain rich in protein that is gluten-free and easy to cook. You can make a nutritious and filling breakfast salad by pairing it with fruit.

Cook and cool quinoa and combine with berries, mango, and quinoa with a dressing of honey, lime, and mint leaves.


19. Veggie Omelet

In fact, eggs contain a nutrient called choline that helps with memory and learning. While eggs have been given a bad reputation in the past for raising cholesterol levels, recent research has found that this is not the case. In fact, eggs contain a nutrient called choline which has been shown to help with memory and learning. Therefore, incorporating eggs into your diet is a good way to make sure you are getting all the nutrients you need.

In other words, you can eat an egg every day if you want to.

To make an omelet, beat an egg and add salt and pepper. Pour the mixture into a frying pan that has been greased with a little oil. When the egg starts to set, add chopped veggies, like peppers, mushrooms, and onions.

Once the egg is cooked, carefully fold it in half and remove it from the heat.


20. Banana and Peanut Butter Smoothie

If you don’t have time to cook breakfast in the morning, you can have a smoothie instead. Adding bananas makes it creamier and also provides potassium while peanut butter offers protein and healthy fats.

Add a frozen banana, powdered peanuts, ground flaxseed, plain Greek yogurt, and skim milk to a blender with some ice. For a vegan-friendly alternative, replace the yogurt and milk with plant-based options like almond yogurt and soy milk.


21. Tofu Scramble

If you’re looking for a vegan alternative to scrambled eggs that is still high in protein, tofu is a great option. It has a mild flavor that goes well with seasonings like turmeric and paprika.

Mash the tofu with a fork and cook it with any vegetables you want. Season it with salt, turmeric, and paprika.



READ MORE:  Predigested Vegan Protein




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