Oily skin occurs when the glands that are just below your skin produce too much sebum.  Sebum is vital for the health of your skin.  When there is too much though it can lead to skin looking greasy and oily.  It can also cause clogged pores and acne. 

If you think you suffer from oily skin you may experience shiny or greasy appearance, very large and obvious pores, thick or tough looking skin, persistent pimples, clogged pores, and blackheads. 


Causes of Oily Skin

How bad oily skin is dependent on a person.  Most people have some point in their life where they struggle with oily skin.  It can be caused by stress, genetics, or fluctuating hormones.  Regardless of the cause it can be hard to manage.  Where there is oily skin there is usually acne too, which can also be a struggle to manage. 


Tips For Dealing With Oily Skin


The first thing you need to do is make sure you are washing your face.  If you have oily skin, washing your face at least two times a day is important.  Don’t wash it too much, this can cause irritation and cause more sebum to be produced. 

Make sure you are picking a mild and gentle face wash, avoid harsh soaps with fragrances.  Some people think using a harsh face wash will dry the skin out and leave it less oily.  This is not always the case.  The harsh chemicals can dry the skin out so much that it causes the body to produce more oils to protect the skin. 

Avoid loofahs, and rough washcloths too, for they can be too harsh as well and cause the skin to feel like it needs extra oil to protect it. 

Pick skin care that is labeled oil free.  Oil based skin care will not be effective on oily skin. 

Using a toner can sometimes be effective, but other times a toner can be too harsh for some people.  A natural toner such as witch hazel can be helpful in removing excess oils.  

After washing your skin make sure you rinse with warm water.  Then pat your face dry with a soft towel.  Pulling or rubbing your skin with a rough towel can cause the skin to make more oils.  Patting is essential in locking in the moisture without damaging your skin. 

You can also use blotting papers.  These are found over the counter and are a piece of paper that you pat on your skin to remove excess oil.  This is not a treatment option but will help you not look extra shiny during the day.  

Face Masks

Face masks can also be helpful with oily skin.  Face masks can help remove oil from the skin while retaining moisture.  Face masks can be store bought or homemade. 

Raw honey can be a good option because of its antibacterial and antiseptic properties.  It can help keep the skin moist, but not oily.  Applying a thin layer of raw honey onto your face and letting it dry for 10 minutes then rinsing with warm water can be helpful. 

Other facemask ingredients to be aware of are clay, oatmeal, egg whites and lemon, almonds, aloe vera, tomatoes, and jojoba oil.  


It is important to moisturize regularly with oily skin.  Moisturizing can help lock in moisture and lower the amount of oil your skin feels it needs to produce.  Finding a moisturizer that is a gel, instead of a heavy cream can be more efficient for oily skin.  Also avoid any moisturizers that are oil based.  Oil free moisturizers will help your skin not have that greasy feeling. 

Aloe vera is a good ingredient for oily skin.  Some people will rub it on their skin by itself.  This is not always beneficial to everyone.  


Your diet may play a role in how oily your skin is.  Eating greasy and trans fat foods can increase the amount of oils your skin produces.  Switching up your diet can help reduce the oil.  Eating foods that have a low glycemic factor such as fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, legumes, and whole grains.  


Reducing stress can also help reduce oily skin and acne.  Stress management with yoga, meditation, getting enough good quality sleep, exercise daily, and staying hydrated.  




Pick your face products wisely.  Make sure your makeup is water based instead of oil based.  Some people with oily skin opt to not wear any makeup because it is better for their skin.  Some makeup can cause the skin to dry out which can lead to more oil being produced.  Make sure you moisturize your skin before makeup and pick makeup products that work for your face. 

Every night remove your makeup.  Find a good makeup remover to make sure every bit of makeup is gone before your head hits the pillow. 




Combating oily skin may take some trial and error.  Finding a good quality skin care regimen and sticking to it can help alleviate oily skin.  Sometimes if it is caused by genetics it is just a battle you are up against.  If it is caused by fluctuating hormones, you can consider oral contraceptives, or hormone therapy to help balance your hormones. 

Oily skin can be hard to deal with but there are lots of cleansers, toners, moisturizers, and face masks on the market for you to try out and see what works best for you.  





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