Your joints are important structures in the human body. The tendons in your body help to connect your bones so you can move your elbows, knees, and other extremities. Your joints prevent your bones from coming into direct contact with each other and becoming damaged as a result of that contact. Thus, having healthy joints is important.

Healthy joints allow you to move freely and pursue your interests without pain. A balanced diet is essential for good health and strong joints.

An anti-inflammatory diet that includes fruits and vegetables can be beneficial to your joints. But which foods are good for your joints?


There are several foods that can help improve the health of your joints:

1. Berries

Berries contain plenty of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Anthocyanins are a type of pigment that have antioxidant effects and cherries are an example of a fruit that contain them. If you have osteoarthritis, eating tart cherries regularly can offer you joint pain relief.

If you are looking to avoid gout, fresh and black cherries are two great options. Black cherries, in particular, can help reduce your uric acid levels. You can also go for elderberries, raspberries, and other kinds of berries if you’re not a fan of cherries. These berries are rich in antioxidants.


2. Avocado

Avocados are often used in dishes such as scrambled eggs, guacamole, and salads. Fruit can help you maintain strong joints because it contains antioxidant mono-saturated oils, essential fatty acids, beta-sitosterol, and vitamin E.

However, avocado’s anti-inflammatory benefits don’t stop at its antioxidants. This substance also has properties that can help cartilage to heal as well as Vitamin E which can help to slow down joint damage.

Avocados can improve cholesterol levels by increasing levels of “good” HDL cholesterol while decreasing levels of “bad” LDL cholesterol.



3. Grapefruit

Vitamin C and the plant pigments known as bioflavonoids are the substances in grapefruit that help to reduce inflammation. The antioxidants present can aid in the reduction of swollen joints as well as bolster the strength of cartilage. Additionally, it contains Vitamin C which has been shown to help reduce the symptoms of osteoarthritis.

Three times fewer patients developed osteoarthritis when taking vitamin C, according to researchers at Boston University Medical Center.

Excess body weight raises your risk for osteoarthritis. Eating grapefruit can help you feel less hungry before a meal, which may help you lose weight.

If you want to get more benefits from grapefruit, consider getting red grapefruit. The red ones contain more antioxidants than the yellow ones, as well as beta carotene and lycopene.


4. Red Apples

As is commonly said, consuming an apple each day can help stave off visits to the doctor. This is because apples are abundant in antioxidants, one of which is quercetin. The quercetin in apples can help prevent arthritis and joint pain. An apple also contains boron and magnesium which helps to promote healthy bones.

If you’re still not convinced that apples are one of the best foods for healthy joints, here are some more reasons why you should eat them. The red apples contain all of the nutrients that we have previously mentioned, in addition to anthocyanins. Like red cherries, red apples contain anthocyanins which are powerful enough to reduce inflammation.


5. Red Peppers

Red peppers contain Vitamin C, just like grapefruits and other citrus fruits. Red peppers which contain Vitamin C offer several health benefits for your joints and bones.

An example of this would be vitamin C helping to keep your joints strong, as well as producing collagen in your cartilage, tendons, and ligaments. Moreover, it helps keep cartilage cells from degenerating, too. If you do not have strong leg muscles, you are more likely to develop osteoarthritis in your knees.

Women should eat 75 mg of red peppers every day, and men should eat 90 mg.  A half cup of red peppers will give you your desired amount.



6. Onions and Garlic

Onions and garlic belong to the allium family of vegetables, which contains sulfur compounds. There is a lot of quercetin in onions, which can help reduce inflammation. Meanwhile, garlic’s rich allicin content can give you relief from rheumatoid arthritis symptoms.

There are other helpful antioxidants for strong joints, not just quercetin and allicin. Diallyl disulphide is a compound that has been shown to have a protective effect against colon cancer in animals. Onions and garlic are rich in diallyl disulphide, which is a compound that has been shown to have a protective effect against colon cancer in animals. This compound could potentially help reduce the amount of enzymes that damage cartilage in the body.


7. Kale

You can maintain healthy joints by eating dark, leafy greens. Kale is a superfood because it is rich in beta-carotene, vitamin C, and other nutrients. These nutrients help to protect the body from damage by free radicals.

Not only does kale contain calcium, but it is also associated with strong bones. This food also contains sulforaphane, which can help prevent cartilage damage.

You can eat kale in several ways. Cook the kale in a pan with some oil, or add it to a salad without cooking it. Eating it raw will give you the most health benefits. If you’re looking for a healthier alternative to your usual snacks, kale chips are a great option.


8. Legumes

Legumes are vegetables rich in lysine. Lysine is an amino acid that helps to rebuild and repair damaged cartilage, as well as preventing fatigue. Not only are legumes good for you, but they can also help you to restore collagen in your cartilage.

If you are looking to add legumes to your diet in order to promote healthy joints, beans can be an excellent choice. Fiber and phytonutrients in beans may help reduce joint inflammation. Additionally, beans contain approximately 15 grams of protein per cup, which is beneficial for collagen production.



9. Basil

The sweet smell of basil comes from the enzyme eugenol, which is helpful for preventing inflamed joints. If your joints swell, cyclooxygenase might be the culprit.

Lipid mediators from cyclooxygenase may lead to inflamed joints. Eugenol in basil can help reduce the harmful effects of enzymes on your joints.

Basil is a versatile herb that can be added to many different dishes. This is an versatile ingredient that can be added to many different dishes to enhance their flavor. If you’re interested in mitigating joint pain, go for holy basil.

READ MORE:  Basil Natural Stress Relief 7 Health Benefits

10. Oily Fish

Omega-3 acids found in oily fish have anti-inflammatory properties which prevent the formation of enzymes and proteins that damage cartilage. These positive effects lead to less achy joints. You can reduce joint pain and swelling by eating two to three servings of oily fish per week.

Ready to include oily fish into your diet? Try canned salmon which contains calcium and vitamin D. Plus, it helps you avoid barbecued spareribs.

You can improve your oily fish diet by eating smoked salmon on toast, mackerel fillets with olive oil, garlic, and lemon, or sardines on a Greek salad.


11. Oatmeal

Other types of whole grains, such as oatmeal, can help improve joint health. Oatmeal, specifically, is high in avenanthramides – antioxidants that help fight inflammation.

The anti-inflammatory compounds present helps to prevent itching, and also reduce the risk of developing coronary heart disease and colon cancer.

If you are looking to help your joints recover from strain faster, eat oatmeal with fruits and nuts regularly. In addition to being a good source of fiber, oatmeal also contains vitamin B6, making it an effective natural pain reliever.

Vitamin B6 could potentially help your tissues to relax. Additionally, oats assist in the healing of cartilage and strengthening of muscle and bone tissue.


12. Walnuts

Walnuts are rich in omega-3 acids and other anti-inflammatory nutrients. C-reactive protein levels are a sign of inflammation in your body Furthermore, evidence suggests that omega-3 supplements can lower levels of C-reactive protein, which is a marker for inflammation in the body. When C-reactive protein is present and causing inflammation in your joints, you might be at risk for developing cardiovascular diseases or arthritis.

If you eat walnuts regularly, your cholesterol levels may drop and your blood vessels may relax.

Walnuts can also help regulate blood pressure. You can eat walnuts without doing anything to them, or you can put them on top of salads. Adding walnuts to your dish can give it a nice crunch.


13. Ginger

Besides adding a burst of flavor to teas, soups, and sweets, ginger may also help ease the symptoms of arthritis by reducing inflammation and pain. There is less evidence that ginger is effective for treating arthritis symptoms than there is for ginger supplements.

Multiple research studies have looked into ginger’s impact on osteoarthritis and found that ginger supplements lead to reduced inflammation and pain in the subjects who took them.

The belief is that ginger slows down certain proteins that could cause the immune system to overreact in inflammatory diseases, such as RA.

Ginger supplements have been shown to be effective in reducing pain and inflammation symptoms for those suffering from osteoarthritis or RA.


14. Broccoli

It is no secret that cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, are some of the healthiest foods. It may even be associated with reduced inflammation.

A study of 1,005 females found that those who ate cruciferous vegetables like broccoli had lower levels of inflammatory markers.

The positive effects of consuming these vegetables may be due to the presence of natural compounds called glucosinolates. These compounds have been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties.

The researchers found that giving the mice sulforaphane helped improve their bone strength and reduce symptoms of osteoarthritis-related gait.

The sulforaphane used in this study was not naturally derived from broccoli, but was instead synthetically created. The impacts of sulforaphane in broccoli on inflammation have not been fully studied and more research is required.

Broccoli has been associated with reduced inflammation. Sulforaphane, which is found in broccoli, may help to reduce inflammation, based on studies. There is a need for more research to examine the impact of broccoli on human health.



15. Spinach

Leafy greens are nutritious and some of their components may help reduce inflammation caused by arthritis. A number of studies have revealed that consuming more fruits and vegetables is associated with decreased inflammation.

Spinach contains many antioxidants and plant compounds that can reduce inflammation and help fight disease.

Studies on animals have shown that the antioxidant kaempferol, which is found in spinach in high quantities, can help to reduce the effects of arthritis.

A survey of 217 people found that blueberries and spinach were the foods most often reported to improve symptoms of RA.

More research is needed on the effects of spinach and its components on humans with arthritis.

Spinach is rich in antioxidants, including kaempferol. Test-tube studies have found that kaempferol can reduce inflammation. While other research points to spinach as a possible way to relieve symptoms in people with rheumatoid arthritis, no cure has been found.


16. Grapes

Grapes are packed with nutrients, antioxidants, and have anti-inflammatory properties. One study that looked at 24 other studies found that grape products can lower levels of C-reactive protein, which is used to measure inflammation.

Resveratrol, an antioxidant found in the skin of grapes, has been shown to be beneficial in the treatment of arthritis. A study of 110 people with knee osteoarthritis found that taking a 500 mg resveratrol supplement along with meloxicam, a medication used to treat osteoarthritis, for 3 months could reduce pain severity compared to meloxicam alone.

Further research is required to ascertain the impact of grapes on human arthritis, however, animal studies have shown that certain compounds found in grapes could potentially reduce inflammation and slow the progression of the condition. Although grapes contain antioxidants, the amount you would consume in a serving is nowhere near the amount used in these animal studies. More studies are needed to see if these results also occur in humans.

The compounds in grapes can help to reduce inflammation throughout the body.


17. Olive Oil

Olive oil, which is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, may be able to help improve symptoms of arthritis.

Some research suggests that certain compounds in olive oil could promote autophagy, which could be beneficial in clearing out damaged cells from the body.

Mice were given extra-virgin olive oil to see the effects it had on them for six weeks. Researchers found that this natural remedy was successful in halting the progression of arthritis, reducing swelling in the joints, slowing the destruction of cartilage, and decreasing inflammation.

A study done with test tubes found that compounds from olive oil can decrease the production of compounds that cause inflammation in the joints. This could help with managing RA.

Additionally, diets that contain a lot of olive oil, like the Mediterranean diet, have been proven to decrease pain and improve physical function for people with rheumatoid arthritis.

More research is needed to determine the effects of olive oil on arthritis, but adding olive oil and other healthy fats to your diet can improve your health and potentially reduce arthritis symptoms.

Olive oil has the ability to decrease inflammation and enhance autophagy. The Mediterranean diet, which is rich in olive oil, may be effective in reducing symptoms of RA.


18. Tart Cherry Juice

A beverage made from the fruit of the Prunus cerasus tree, tart cherry juice is gaining popularity. The powerful nutrients in this juice provides numerous health benefits which may help reduce arthritis symptoms.

Tart cherry juice can help improve mobility, pain, and quality of life for people with knee osteoarthritis, according to a study of 57 people. A study lasting four weeks found that tart cherry juice significantly lowered levels of CRP and uric acid by 19.4% and 19.2% respectively. CRP and uric acid are linked to osteoarthritis.

Plus, it may also have anti-inflammatory properties. One study found that tart cherry helped protect against bone loss in mice caused by inflammation.

Make sure the tart cherry juice you drink doesn’t have any extra sugar added to it. Unsweetened tart cherry juice may help reduce some arthritis symptoms when consumed in combination with a healthy diet and other foods that help fight arthritis.

Some studies suggest that tart cherry juice may help to lower inflammation and reduce some symptoms associated with arthritis.




What you eat can have a big impact on how severe your arthritis is and what symptoms you experience. There are several foods which contain powerful anti-inflammatory properties which may help to alleviate arthritis pain, as well as improve overall health.

A diet containing healthy fats, a few servings of fatty fish, and plenty of produce may help reduce some symptoms of arthritis in addition to conventional treatments.



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