
Men being seen with facial hair is thought to be typical and eye-catching, whereas facial hair on women is considered unacceptable. In spite of this, women all over the world have to deal with facial hair.

Thus, women attempt to eradicate unwished-for facial hair by way of a variety of temporary approaches like shaving, tweezing, waxing, or chemicals; otherwise, they are likely to turn to treatments such as laser therapy, electrolysis (the application of an electrical current to destroy hair follicles preventing them from regenerating), or medication (such as drugs that can adjust the production of male hormones or contraceptive pills). Although there are several solutions to this problem, certain ones come with their own disadvantages such as high cost or skin irritation.

In these cases, one could experiment with certain home remedies that might be useful to eliminate superfluous facial hair. It is commonplace for females to possess delicate hair on their face, most often on the chin or upper lip region. The hair becomes more evident when the strands become long and dark, which is a sign of a disorder called hirsutism.


Causes of Thick Facial Hair in Women

Most women have facial hair. Some people can easily spot it, while others may not be aware of it. Numerous explanations can account for why women might possess thick facial hair. The reasons include:

  • Hormonal issues could cause facial hair in women.
  • Underlying health issues such as PCOS may cause hirsutism.
  • Cushing syndrome may also cause hirsutism.

Women could be affected by virilisation, a disorder which causes ladies to possess physical features that are usually seen in men.

Females with congenital adrenal hyperplasia may experience an increase in facial hair growth due to the decreased production of androgen and enhanced production of cortisol within the body.

However, provided in this article are some techniques that can be used to remove facial hair in a natural way from the comforts of your home.


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How to Remove Facial Hair Naturally at Home

It doesn’t matter what brings it on, facial hair can be bothersome. It is perfectly fine to be accepting of it. If you don’t like having facial hair, there are some ways to take it off without relying on shaving or waxing. It is clear that obtaining proficient techniques can be costly. You may try these domestic treatments to banish the soft downy hairs on your face.

Lemon Juice and Sugar

Mix these two ingredients with a splash of water. It should become a sticky granular paste. When you remove it, the hair is pulled out as well. The lemon juice assists in lightening the remaining hair. You can apply this on alternate days. For those with dry skin, it is recommended not to leave the product on your face for more than 15-20 minutes.

Banana and Oatmeal

Mix together ground oatmeal and a mashed banana to form a paste. Rub the cream onto your skin in a circular pattern, not following the way the hair grows. Wash it off with cold water. The oatmeal acts as an exfoliator, taking away the locks and deceased cells, and the banana hydrates your complexion. Use this pack once a week.

Lemon and Honey

Below is the process for using honey to get rid of facial hair for good. Mix together lemon juice, sugar, and honey until you have a steady, consistent paste. If required, you can add a splash of water and then heat it up in the microwave for two to three minutes. Spread some flour where there are hairs and rub the paste in the same direction as the hairs. Cover this with a piece of fabric and pull away from it. You can use this 2-3 times a week.

Oatmeal, Honey, and Lemon Juice

Mix together oatmeal that has been run through a grinder, honey, and lemon juice to form a mixture. Rub your face in a rotating pattern towards the opposite direction that your hair grows. Rinse your face with cold water. The oats can get rid of the hair, honey can hydrate your complexion, and lemon juice will lighten up any strands that are still there. You can use this on alternate days.

Turmeric and Milk

Mix rice flour with turmeric powder and milk. Spread the blend over your hair and give it time to dry. Rinse it off with warm water. You can use this every day. Rice flour has the benefit of being able to remove unwanted hair, the addition of milk helps to keep the skin moisturized, and turmeric acts as an antiseptic.

Potato, Lentil, and Lemon Juice

Shred a potato to squeeze out its liquid and turn soaked lentils into a smooth puree. Add lemon juice and honey to these two ingredients. Apply the pack and let it dry. Rub it in a round pattern in order to be able to take it away. The lentils will remove the hair, while the components of the concoction will make your skin and hair appear brighter. Use this a couple of times a week. Avoid this pack if you have sensitive skin.

Egg Whites

Mix together the egg white, cornstarch, and sugar until it becomes a smooth consistency. Apply it evenly and let it dry. Next, take it off and wash your face using icy water. You can apply this mask two times a week. The combination of egg white, cornstarch, and sugar creates a glue-like substance that binds to the hair when it dries, thereby removing it. Do not use this on sensitive or acne-prone skin.

Rose Water and Alum

Make a solution with alum and rosewater. Take a cotton ball and put some of the mixture on it, then rub it onto the hairy regions. After it dries, apply one more layer. Do this 5-6 times before washing it off. Massage your face with olive oil. This reduces hair growth and comforts the skin. You can do this 1-2 times a week. It works for all skin types. Before using alum, it is recommended to try it out on a small area of skin to make sure it does not cause irritation.

Papaya and Turmeric

Combine papaya with turmeric to create a paste. Apply the paste to the unwanted hair area. Rinse the area after kneading it in a roundabout fashion for 15-20 minutes. The papain enzyme located in papayas helps to stimulate the hair follicles, causing the hair to shed. You can use it 2-3 times a week. Ensure you use very little turmeric powder.

Papaya and Aloe Vera

Combine aloe vera extract, papaya puree, chickpea flour, and mustard oil to generate a viscous mixture. Let the paste dry on your face. After that, rinse the area and knead gently with some olive oil. It is recommended that this activity is carried out a minimum of three to four times a week for a duration of three months. The papain enzyme will result in the hair falling out, while aloe vera will reduce irritation to your skin. Ensure you do not use soap after this mask. Try a sample of mustard oil on a small area of skin before putting it on your face to make sure it doesn’t cause irritation.

Turmeric and Nettle

Pulverize the nettle leaves into a mixture and mix in a small amount of turmeric. Let the paste sit on the hairy sections of your skin for several hours. You can then wash it off. This pack is able to be used on a daily basis over the time frame of 5-6 weeks. The liquid extracted from nettle leaves can penetrate the hair follicles and assist in the process of getting rid of unwanted hair. Turmeric is meant to be an antiseptic. This one requires a patch test before use. Be sure to not handle the nettle leaves without protective gloves. It could cause skin irritation.

Lavender and Tea Tree Oil

Combine both the oils and soak a cotton ball in the mixture before applying it to the parts of your body that have hair. They both have anti-androgenic properties which inhibit hair growth. Use this 2-3 times a day for 3 months. Avoid this if you have acne-prone skin. This remedy is suitable for people with combination, normal, or dry skin.

Kusuma Oil and Thanaka Powder

Combine Kusuma oil and thanaka powder together to form a soft mixture. Remove any excess hair by waxing or threading it. Then wash the area and apply this mix. Massage it against the direction of hair growth. Keep it on overnight. This blend will assist in making the hair more fine-textured and eventually get rid of it. You can use this once a week. It is ideal for all skin types. However, do a patch test first.

Basil and Onion

Make a paste with basil leaves and onion. Then apply it over the hairy area. After it dries, wash it off. This plan should be implemented a few times per week for a number of months. The onion is usually linked to aiding hair development, however, when it combines with basil it has the opposite effect and inhibits hair growth. This product may be employed for every kind of dermis, yet it is wise to perform a patch test beforehand, as the constituents of this may lead to skin inflammation.

Fenugreek and Green Gram

Mix together water, fenugreek seeds, and green gram to form a creamy consistency. After you’ve put it on, wait until it dries then gently rub it away. Wash it off with cold water. You can employ this method thrice a week. The adhesive will adhere to your hair and be removed when you massage the scalp. Avoid applying this to delicate skin, as it may stir up sensitivity reactions since it contains fenugreek.

Barley and Milk

Mix together the milk, barley, and lemon juice until it reaches a consistent texture. Spread the product on your face and wait until it is fully dry before rubbing it off. You can use this remedy 3-4 times a week. The paste can adhere to your locks and is able to be removed by scrubbing your skin. Do not use this if you have sensitive skin.

Wheat Bran and Milk

Mix wheat bran with milk to form a paste. Massage it into your skin till it dries up. You can then wash it off. You can use this between 3-7 times a week. The paste adheres to your hair, and can be removed by rubbing. You can use this on all skin types. This remedy has no side effects.

Gelatin and Milk

Combine gelatin powder with milk and lemon juice. Microwave the mixture for 15-20 minutes. Clean your face before applying the mask. Once dry, peel it off. Use this only when you feel the need to. It is extremely adhesive so it will grab onto every single strand of hair in addition to any blackheads and old cells. This product is suitable for all skin types except those with sensitivity. Ensure that the pack has cooled down before you put it on your face.

Papaya, Mustard Oil, Aloe Vera, Besan and Haldi

Crush the ripe papaya and get the juice out of the aloe vera. Combine the mustard oil, besan, and turmeric with both ingredients. Allow it to become dry after you put it on your face. Scrub the hair against the natural grain with a dry towel. Rinse your face with cold water and pat it dry. In the beginning, use it thrice a week. Once you start to notice progress, it is recommended that you continue the practice every seven to ten days.

Papaya contains papain enzyme, which exfoliates dead skin. The follicles of the hair are opened as well, making it easier to pluck out the hair. You can use this on all skin types. Once you are done with this kit, you should splash some cold water on the area you waxed to limit any irritation or redness that could come from rubbing. People with delicate derma should not use mustard oil as it can lead to a skin reaction.


Frequently Asked Questions:

1) Why do we get facial hair?

Generally, women maintain a low amount of androgen (male hormone). If your body generates an excessive amount of androgens, you might have facial hair growth.

2) Are there any home remedies to get rid of my facial hair?

Some natural treatments to eradicate facial hair might incorporate making use of spearmint tea, lavender oil and tea tree oil; mashing together amla and pimpali and combining with turmeric; mixing together besan, turmeric, and sandalwood powder and then adding lemon juice; and combining lemon juice and honey.

3) Does PCOS cause facial hair?

In women PCOS is a typical cause of excess facial hair in females.

4) Is having facial hair a serious problem?

Facial hair is a common issue worldwide. If you are concerned that the medications you’re taking are resulting in an unwelcome increase in hair growth, hair growth accelerating, masculine characteristics like your vocal pitch deepening, acne appearing, the thinning of your hair all around, more muscle volume, a decrease in your chest size, and the enlargement of your clitoris, or if you feel too nervous or self-conscious, you should immediately consult a doctor for necessary therapies.

5) Is spearmint tea a good option to get rid of facial hair?

Spearmint tea could potentially aid you in eradicating facial hair. Investigative studies revealed that spearmint oil could diminish testosterone levels in the bloodstream. It also lowered androgen levels in women with PCOS.

6) Can lavender and tea tree oil be applied to remove facial hair?

Applying lavender and tea tree oil to the outside of your face could be beneficial when attempting to reduce facial hair.




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