On a daily basis, the typical U.S. resident consumes approximately 22 teaspoons of extra sweeteners, which can be found in foods even thought to be “healthy”.

This should be contrasted with the suggested daily maximum of added sugar advocated by certified organizations like the American Heart Association and World Health Organization, which is 100 calories (6 teaspoons) for most women and 150 calories (9 teaspoons) for most men. This is equivalent to a maximum of 5-10% of the total number of calories consumed, which is still an appreciable quantity.

Despite great debate regarding what dietary regimen is best for avoiding chronic diseases or obesity, all health specialists primarily agree that reducing food with additional sugar is the most beneficial. The U.S. The Department of Agriculture asserts that extra sugar is incorporated into food items or drinks during the processing or preparation stage. This excludes sugars that occur in an unprocessed state, such as those found in milk and fruits.

The overconsumption of sugar is a major issue in most industrialized countries, and now even developing ones, mainly due to the low cost of production. The overconsumption of superfluous or concealed sugar has been linked to a variety of ailments including diabetes, heart disease, obesity, cancer, high blood pressure, and cognitive conditions such as dementia and Alzheimer’s. Research suggests that consuming a large amount of added sugars can lead to the development of several health issues, including the possibility of some types of cancer and weakening the body’s immune system.

If you believe that conquering your sugar habit is worth all of your energies and sacrifices, the next step is to figure out how to accomplish it.


READ MORE:  How Much Sugar Is Safe To Eat?



3 Side Effects of Sugar Foods

  1. Lead to Cravings for More

It’s likely that you have perceived that the higher the amount of sugar you have, the stronger the urge to consume more. Consuming sugar can produce an addictive response, resulting in modifications to the reward center in the brain via releasing dopamine and other endorphins. Our brains possess intrinsic functions that give us the capacity to know when we have enough nourishment and should consequently discontinue eating, resulting in most meals no longer being desirable after some time.

Sugar has the effect of making us keep wanting more even though we have already consumed plenty of calories. It is simpler to eat in excess when the food is very sugary and processed (such as cookies or ice cream) compared to food that is still in its original form and takes longer to consume. The brain has a great fondness for sugar due to its hedonic reward value, and this relates to the parts of the brain that are devoted to sensing flavors, smells, and the feel of food; which are the main drivers pushing one to continue to eat.

Research has shown that additional sugar (e.g. glucose and fructose) can have an effect on eating behaviors due to activating many of the body’s sweet-receptors in both the oral cavity and digestive tract.

  1. Rob You of Sustained Energy and Focus

You may start off feeling energetic after consuming something sweet, however soon after, you are likely to experience a energy drop. Eating sugar-based products causes a rapid rise in blood sugar levels, which then declines. This is very draining on your vigor, in addition to your attention, absorption of food, desires, and ambiance.

The changes in energy levels caused by the consumption of sugar has a relationship to how it affects the body’s operations, including the production of hormones such as insulin, leptin and glucagon. Sugar can have a negative effect on digestion because it slows down stomach emptying, makes it harder to eat a healthy diet, and causes cravings in the brain.

  1. Increase Obesity Risk

The World Health Organization claims that if an individual consumes a higher amount of free sugars, it can lead to their diet being lacking in essential nutrients as it typically supplies an abundance of calories without providing nutrient value.

Sugary drinks in particular tend to lead to higher calorie consumption and deficiencies in important nutrients. These beverages can increase someone’s likelihood of experiencing chronic illnesses such as diabetes and high blood pressure, which are commonly associated with obesity.



3 Alternatives to Hidden Sugar Foods

  1. Use Natural Sweeteners (in Moderation!)

The five sweetening agents that make it onto my list of favorites are raw honey, stevia, dates, coconut sugar, and pure, certified organic maple syrup. When cooking, baking, or making dishes at home, substitute cane/white/artificial sugars with genuine sweeteners, but still make sure to use smaller servings.

Using natural alternatives to sugar can provide you with the flavor you desire while avoiding artificial ingredients, reducing calorie intake, and lowering your dependence on it. I strongly suggest that you stay away from artificial sweeteners as studies have suggested there may be a connection between them and a range of health issues.

  1. Nix Your Sugar Habit by Consuming More Healthy Fats

If your eating plan does not have an adequate amount of beneficial fats or enough protein, you’re probably going to experience more hunger during the day and have a more powerful reaction to cravings or tiredness. It is advised to make sure to incorporate an adequate amount of healthy fat into each meal, beginning right away with breakfast.

Fats that promote health and minimize sugar desires consist of coconut or olive oil, avocado, unprocessed dairy, nuts, and seeds such as flaxseeds (or flaxseed oil). Trying to make sure every meal contains vegetables, protein, and healthy fat will naturally cause a decrease in the consumption of processed grains and flour-based items like bread and sweet rolls that don’t offer much nutritional value.

  1. Watch Your Sugar Intake at Breakfast

Many people are unaware of the amount of sugar they are consuming during breakfast. Common breakfast items that contain sugar are waffles, pancakes, granola, cereal, juice, canned fruit, sugary coffee beverages, and other similar options.

A great way to begin your day is to eat something balanced, such as 100% whole grains (such as quinoa or steel cut oats), plus some fruit, nuts and seeds, a vegetarian egg dish with vegetables, or a shake/smoothie containing protein powder.



Final Thoughts

Foods with sugar that is not easily seen include items such as refined grain products like cereals and loaves of bread, yogurt, fruit juices and other drinks, as well as sauces and condiments. Eating a high amount of sugary food can dramatically raise the likelihood of not only becoming overweight, but also early mortality and medical issues such as coronary heart disease or diabetes.

  • There are dozens of names for added and hidden sugars on ingredient labels. Simply dialing back on processed foods and drinks and consuming more fresh food or plain water instead can significantly lower your hidden sugar intake.
  • Read ingredient labels to avoid being fooled by hidden sugar foods. If you do use sugar when cooking or baking, use less processed forms like raw honey or organic coconut sugar, but still use them sparingly


READ MORE:  16 Sugar-Free Diet Benefits

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