Pomegranates are a dark red fruit. The name comes from the latin phrase pomum grantum which means apple of many seeds. They are native to Iran and northern India. Most of the pomegranates in the United States are grown in California. Pomegranates are grown on tall shrubs that need lots of heat for the fruit to grow and ripen. They are in season from September to November but because of their long shelf life you can usually find them in stores all the way until January.
The skin of a pomegranate is not edible. To eat a pomegranate you slice it open, peel back the flesh to reveal juicy seeds on the inside called arils. The seeds are sweet and tart. You can eat the seeds plain or add them to top your oatmeal, salads, hummus, or cereal. Pomegranate juice can also be found year round and be used to make a number of pomegranate drinks or even salad dressings. Pomegranates are low in calories and fat while being high in fiber, vitamins and minerals.
Health Benefits Of Pomegranates
One of the main benefits of pomegranates is that they are incredibly high in antioxidants. Antioxidants help your body fight free radicals. Free radicals can cause heart disease, inflammation, or cancer throughout your body. Eating foods high in antioxidants can help lower your risk of conditions brought on by free radicals. Pomegranates have up to 3 times more antioxidants than green tea or red wine. Usually the deeper the color of fruit, the higher in antioxidants, which makes sense with pomegranates because they have such a deep rich red coloring. Antioxidants can help lower your blood pressure. This can make pomegranates great for your heart health.
Pomegranates have been shown to help lower cholesterol buildup. It also lowers your LDL cholesterol or bad cholesterol while increasing your HDL or good cholesterol. Good cholesterol lowers your risk of stroke and heart attack. Antioxidants also help with blood sugar levels and help with insulin resistance. The antioxidants found in pomegranates have been shown to help prevent cancers such as prostate, breast, lung and colon. They have also shown that pomegranates can help slow cancer tumor growths.
Pomegranates are also anti-inflammatory. This helps reduce inflammation throughout your body. Chronic inflammation can lead to conditions like diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, or rheumatoid arthritis. Pomegranates being so high in anti-inflammatory properties can help lower your risk of conditions that are brought on by chronic inflammation.
Pomegranates may reduce the chance of kidney stones. There have been studies that have shown they also may be helpful in fighting harmful microorganisms.
Another benefit to pomegranates is they can help increase your exercise endurance. Pomegranates may help increase your exercise endurance as well as help with muscle recovery. These benefits tend to be from eating the fruit instead of drinking pomegranate juice. Pomegranates are a great source of vitamin C and potassium.
Pomegranates can help support your gut health. They are high in fiber. They have shown to have prebiotic effects, which help feed your healthy bacteria in your gut. There are also studies that show they may help protect you against some digestive conditions.
Pomegranate Juice
Pomegranate juice is not equal to eating the fruit. Pomegranate juice can have more calories or added sugars making it less healthy. Also in the juicing process the vitamin C from the fruit is lost as well as the benefit of the fiber. The antioxidants and potassium are just as strong in the juice as it is when eating the pomegranate seeds.
Pomegranates are usually healthy for anyone to eat. They can have adverse reactions or interact poorly with certain drugs or medications. If you are taking medication you may want to speak with your doctor before indulging in a pomegranate. ACE inhibitors or other drugs that are for high blood pressure may interact negatively. Crestor or other cholesterol medications. Blood thinners can also have a negative interaction with eating too many pomegranates or drinking pomegranate juice.
Pomegranates can help improve heart health! #HealthSurgeon
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