enroll in purium

Joining Purium: My Experience and Your Guide.

Let’s start by addressing a common misconception: Purium is unlike your typical MLM program.  You don’t have to be a brand partner to get products, and you can get the same discount as a brand partner (without being one).   If all you want to do is buy the quality products that Purium offers for yourself, excellent!  Here is a link to our Purium Code where you get the biggest discount available and you can quit reading right now.   I’ll wait.

Still here?   Then you must have a least a rudimentary interest in enrolling as a Purium brand partner, and I want to explain to you what that entails.

My Story

I’m Greg White, a proud Purium brand partner since 2017. I have been running health and wellness websites since 1998.   Between 2010 and 2016 I was getting a lot of calls and emails about promoting various weight loss programs to my website visitors.   Every kind of weight loss claim from dance videos to a pill you took at night that would burn calories while you slept (and the guy with the pills went to jail..)  Anyway,  in my research I kept running into Purium products.

What I liked about the products was the Certified Organic, and non-GMO (not genetically modified) ingredients that they were using in their products.  Eating clean and reducing pesticide residue in our diet makes sense.  Additionally, Purium started creating more vegan friendly products, reducing the plastic containers, sourcing products from local farms and just being a good citizen as a company.

Once I set my sites on Purium, I dug in and did some research and found the team within the Purium structure that I meshed well with and joined with an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach that was very high ranking within the organization as my sponsoring brand partner in early 2017.

I went to the Purium convention in Texas that first year, they introduced new products, they helped people with strategies and it really was a great group of people, ready to share and support.  Not the cutthroat competitive MLM types I had met previously.  (BTW Purium is my first network marketing company, my wife did Amway for a few months back in the 1980’s, like most of America)

I haven’t mentioned the financial side of it, because that wasn’t the reason I got involved, I mean I could have made $50/bottle off the diet sleep pills, and at that time my website traffic for all my health sites was over 10 million visitors a year and most of it was related to weight issues.   I would have made crazy bank.  But no, I was truly interested in helping people with long lasting change, not just selling the latest berry or cactus juice pill to people over and over while their weight barely moved.

Since then I have been using the Internet and Social Media to give out good evidence based information on the Purium products, and really letting people make up their own mind.  This has given me a solid revenue stream that I can feel good about.

So that is my back story.

Enrolling in the Purium Program

Now, let’s delve into the program details. First, if you initially buy a 90 Day Ultimate Transformation, or a Core 4 program, within the month you purchase, you can check the upgrade to brand partner box in your ishoppurium.com account page and you are now enrolled as a brand partner.  You can also go to isharepurium.com and find the existing products and offers to be a brand partner.  I highly recommend that you buy a product pack and get the Brand Partner pack included for no extra charge.  This gives you a variety of products to use and start your Purium journey with.

Secondly, in the signup process you will be asked for your partner code.  I didn’t really think about this well enough when I created mine.  What you want is something easy to remember for both you and your prospects, as well as easy to spell, I think shorter is better, but a phrase works as well.   So a good example might be:  HealthyAmy or GregsProgram, where a not so friendly or appropriate code might be your nickname from high school, your name and some number behind it that only means something to you.

You might be saying, hang on Greg, I don’t even know why I would signup and you already have me thinking about partner codes.  Well, what I have found is I need to tell people that first, because once they hear how the program works, they jump in and don’t read the rest of my suggestions and recommendations.

So here it is: Once you become a brand partner, your partner code becomes a virtual gift card, it is worth either $50 off any order a person makes to Purium that is greater than $75.00 and less than $200.00.  For any order $200 and up, your code is a coupon for a 25% discount.  When they order, they have to enter the code of the person that referred them (that is why I suggest short and memorable), it is a great idea to be side by side when they place their order so you can help them enter things correctly.  Once people start to order using your code, you get commissions from Purium based on the actual amount of money they paid to Purium (the amount they pay after subtracting either the $50 or the 25%), Purium pays weekly, every Friday you either get a direct deposit, or a check sent to you (by ALL means go direct deposit).   That will be a commission for the proceeding week, so if someone buys the first Tuesday of the month, you get paid on the 2nd Friday.  If the person buying is just a customer (not a brand partner), then you get 20% of the paid product amount, if they are a brand partner, you get 5%.   Where the multi-level kicks in, is that you also get 5% of everything your brand partners sell, and 5% of what brand partners they signup sell.   Depending on whether that is customers or brand partners this can be from 4 to 6 levels of commission.   When you get into the higher rankings, even more levels are paid out, but let’s just stick to the basics for now.

This is very important, you do have to place a monthly order of about $85 of product each month to be qualified for the first 4 or 5 “ranking levels”.  If you like the products as much as I do, that won’t be a problem at all.  Even if you only make enough commission to pay for your products, it is free stuff!!

The Ranking

Your monthly sales and the performance of the brand partners you recruit contribute to your ranking points. Depending on how many points you get, how many brand partners you have brought into Purium and how well they are doing will get you promoted.   Achieving certain ranks within a specific amount of months also qualifies you for ranking bonuses that can be as much as $1000.00 (at the time of this writing).  When your brand partners meet those ranking achievements you get a bonus as well, in many cases that is a matching bonus where you get as much as the brand partner gets.   To qualify for these fast track bonuses, you must (at the time of this article) have what is called a smart order in Purium’s system.  A smart order, will automatically recur each month UNLESS you place an order manually (they have also added the ability to always ship this smart order as well).    So I have a smart order set that will execute on the 20th of the month, if I haven’t ordered something from Purium before that day, it will automatically process the smart order.  This is really helpful when I go on an extended vacation and might forget to hit my minimum order and leave all that potential commission on the table.   When you hit the 6th ranking level called Diamond, then you also get added into a bonus.

The Support

The Purium support system is top-notch. You don’t have to take orders, or stock any inventory, that is all done for you.  They also have an excellent customer service program that will handle returns and questions.  As a brand partner you have access to a basic back office system that will track where you are and allow you to place orders.  It also has a great website called PuriumBusiness.com and the Purium Phone App, where it has a tremendous amount of resources, from social media posting tips, flyers, info on running your business, compliance, links to videos, and recorded zoom calls, basically everything Purium.  Most days of the week there will be at least one Zoom call discussing some aspect of the Purium business and products.  You can even invite prospects to some of these calls to help build excitement and credibility.   I think Purium shines in their support.  Additionally, there are Facebook/Meta groups on different subject matters and products.

Purium also has programs that help you “widen your reach” giving you Purium points that count toward your rankings for doing things like posting videos and social media images.

The Reality

Averages from 2015 to 2018 show that 63% of the people that signup to be brand partners never make it past the 2nd ranking level, and make an average between $400 and $700 each year.   The next rank is consultant, and the first place where you could achieve a rank bonus, 17% of the brand partners get here and no further, these people have made an average of $1,834.00 per year.   Not much of an additional revenue stream.

If your base idea is sure, I will signup and see if I can get a couple of friends to do it, and maybe one of them will really get going and I can make some money from their efforts.  Then don’t bother.  You are not going to be happy, and you aren’t going to get any results, your sponsoring brand partner won’t be happy, it just sucks all around.   If you have a decent social media following, if you are involved in health and wellness, as a practitioner, yoga or fitness trainer, coaches, sports referees and officials, martial arts, chiropractor, nutritionist and that sort of thing, then Purium could really add a nice revenue stream to your bottom line.   But other occupations and personality types work as well.  One of the most successful people in the Purium program was a real estate agent, and as she met clients talked to them about real estate AND Purium, after a year, she was making more from Purium than her real estate job.  A few years after that, she ditched the real estate except for friends and family.  And there are some of you out there that just never met a stranger and can strike up a conversation anywhere and guide it like you have a video game controller, you are definitely a good candidate.

Why Work with Me?

I am selective about who I work with because I believe in a tailored approach to partnership. As you can tell from above, I don’t think everyone should be a brand partner.   What I can tell you is I am an entrepreneur that really understands technology.  You probably found this website from a search engine search, email, or some kind of online marketing that I setup.  Since 2004 I have basically sat in my home office and run websites, and marketing programs for myself or my clients.   When people become a brand partner with me, they get access to all my resources and me!   While Purium has some nice social banners, I have a team that churns them out for me.  I have a fabulous phone system that connects to my website for chat and real time calls, brand partners can use that system with their sites, teleconference with my system and no need for Zoom or other teleconference subscriptions.

My websites attract visitors from all over, and I have actually helped my brand partners grow their business by using their codes on my websites and moving brand partners under them to help them rank better.

The Integrative Health Coach that I joined with, is also available for your access, to answer questions about what products do in what situations, and she is very old school in MLM building so you have the opportunity to learn from multiple high producers and more than one way to reach your goals.

Purium has a tremendous blueprint to follow and it has a record of success, showing you how to reach out to your sphere of influence, and increasing your product knowledge.   I support their process fully, but I like to think I add my extra spin to it as well, and can help you grow your business with real customers.  Notice I said help, if you make the efforts and I see you doing the right things, I am more than happy to work to promote you to higher ranks.  This is not a signup with me and I will make you rich promise at all.

If you are still reading this, I would have you check your calendar and setup an appointment with me.



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