Nausea and vomiting can be symptoms of a number of different conditions. They can be symptoms of viral infections, bacterial infections, pregnancy or food poisoning. It can be hard sometimes to distinguish when vomiting needs intervention. Sometimes it does.
Vomiting can be caused by a problem that you need to seek medical attention for. Vomiting can also lead to dehydration which can be fatal in some cases. Instead of just riding out your vomiting at home you may need emergency services or just an appointment made with your doctor.
Criteria For When To See Doctor
For adults if the vomiting lasts longer than two days you should call your doctor for an appointment.
For children 2 and under if vomiting that lasts more than 24 hours should see their doctor.
Infants that experience vomiting for longer than 12 hours should see a doctor as well.
Dehydration can happen so quickly in children, that is why it is important for them to get checked out much quicker than adults.
Call your doctor for an appointment if you experience waves of nausea and vomiting that come and go for longer than a month.
Unexplained weight loss along with nausea and vomiting should also be checked out by your doctor.
Criteria For Immediate Care
You may need to seek emergency services or immediate care when you are vomiting. This is usually if your vomiting is happening along with other symptoms.
If your child is projectile or forcefully vomiting you should take them to be seen immediately.
In adults or children vomit that has blood, is green, yellow-green, or dark like coffee grounds you should seek emergency care.
Vomiting along with severe belly pain, headache, or fever are other signs to get care quickly.
Signs of dehydration such as light-headedness or dizziness should also seek immediate care. Dehydration is a serious side effect of vomiting. It can happen quickly to children and be harmful to both adults and children. If your vomiting has lasted longer than 24 hours, IV fluids may be needed to keep your body from becoming dehydrated.
Other signs that could need immediate attention are shortness of breath, chest pains, weakness, numbness, blurred vision, lethargy, or a change in mental alertness. All of these are signs that your vomiting needs some kind of medical intervention.
Tips For Caring For A Vomiting Child
Having a child that is vomiting can be worrisome. It is important when caring for a child that is nauseous and vomiting that you stay calm. You don’t want to make them worry or scared even more.
When caring for a child that is vomiting steadily offer them small sips of clear liquid.
Children that are 6 months and younger need 2-3 teaspoons about every 15-20 minutes to make sure they don’t become dehydrated.
Children who are breastfed, should breastfeed 5-10 minutes every 2 hours until they are 8 hours without vomiting.
Older children need about 1 ounce of liquid 2-4 times every hour. This can be from clear liquids, electrolyte drinks such as Pedialyte, or even frozen popsicles.
Once your child is vomit free for 8 hours you can start adding bland food back into their diet. This could include things like toast, crackers, rice, or mashed potatoes.
Tips For Caring For Yourself When Vomiting
Self care for yourself at home when vomiting is important. It is important to try and get as much rest as you can. Overextending yourself can cause nausea and vomiting to be worse.
Hydrate with clear liquids and make sure you are replenishing your electrolytes. Liquids that may be good to drink are water, ginger ale, lemonade, or Pediatlyte.
When you are still actively vomiting be sure to avoid solid foods. Once you have not vomited for a bit start adding in bland foods such as gelatin, crackers, and toast. Once you can keep those down you can start adding in rice, cereal, and fruit. Do not eat high processed foods.
Avoid nausea triggers, such as strong odors.
If possible stop taking all nonessential oral medications, health supplements, or over the counter medicines.
Try taking over the counter motion sickness medications. This can help alleviate nausea.
When pregnant and nauseous, try eating something before you get out of bed. Studies are showing that morning sickness from pregnancy may be caused by low blood sugar.
There are also nausea lollipops that are made to help with motion sickness, or morning sickness during pregnancy.
Calling Your Doctor Isn’t A Bad Option
If you think your vomiting is becoming a problem and you aren’t sure if you need medical attention, it may be best to call your doctor to ask. Diagnosing the cause of vomiting may be hard over the phone, but your doctor will be able to ask you questions to see if you need immediate care or not.
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Vomiting? Know when to call your doctor and when to seek immediate care! #HealthSurgeon
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