Blood pressure and the Heart-Head Connection

It is standard practice to measure your blood pressure each time you come to a doctor’s office or a medical facility, no matter what medical condition caused you to come there. Hypertension is accurately dubbed “the silent killer” as it usually does not give rise to symptoms or signs of warning, yet it can significantly heighten the likelihood of having a heart attack or stroke. The greater the figure, the more strenuous your heart muscle has to labor to distribute the blood to your body, and the larger the risk of harm to the heart muscle. Owing to the fact that all aspects of the body need efficient circulation, high blood pressure can affect more than just the heart. If blood circulation is impeded, it can detrimentally affect your arteries along with essential body parts including the kidneys, eyes, and brain.

It has been observed that having high blood pressure can harm the miniscule blood vessels in sections of the brain that are responsible for thinking and remembrances, prompting an elevation in the chances of getting Alzheimer’s or any other dementia-related disorder. Receiving a cardiovascular disease diagnosis can put a strain on one’s emotional wellbeing, potentially shifting one’s perspective and making them more vulnerable to depression and anxiety. And just as blood pressure may have an impact your mood, the reverse can also be true:

  • Stress can increase the body’s production of hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol which in turn raises blood pressure.
  • Self-medicating your mood with alcohol, nicotine, junk food, or recreational drugs can also elevate your blood pressure.
  • Even isolating yourself from family and friends—a common symptom of depression and anxiety—can push your blood pressure higher and damage your cardiovascular health.
  • High blood pressure and common mental health problems can often be attributed, at least in part, to the same unhealthy lifestyle factors, such as overwhelming stress, poor diet, and a lack of exercise. Changing your lifestyle to address high blood pressure can help to improve your mental health—and vice versa.

Approximately 50% of grown-ups in the United States have high blood pressure. High blood pressure is a frequent problem, but fortunately, it can also be easily addressed. In many cases, making minor adjustments to your everyday routine can dramatically alter your statistics and safeguard your cardiovascular and mental wellness.



The Study

This study aims to examine the fleeting results of consuming diverse vegetables on vascular and metabolic activity in middle-aged and older persons who have mildly increased hypertension levels. The VEgetableS for vaScular hEaLth (VESSEL) study will employ a randomised controlled crossover trial to research these effects.


Cardiovascular disease was the leading source of fatalities in Australia in 2017 and made up 27% of all deaths for the year. Cardiovascular disease makes up a significant portion of Australia’s health expenditure, approximately 11% translating to an estimated $5 billion every year. Eating an improper diet is one of the major risk factors that can be adjusted to reduce the likelihood of cardiovascular disease. People should try to eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids, and fiber, while also moderating their consumption of all fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium. The occurrence of type 2 diabetes is escalating globally, similar to heart disease. People with type 2 diabetes who are over 18 years old have a much higher chance of having a heart attack or stroke than those who don’t have the disease. Certain elements like hypertension, elevated cholesterol levels, and obesity are significant contributors to the growth of cardiometabolic sicknesses, underscoring the necessity for a nutritious diet for keeping these aspects in proper order.

Despite the fact that people are aware of the significance of vegetables in their diet and that such advice is part of dietary guidelines, only 7.5% of adults in Australia take in the suggested 5–6 weekly helpings of vegetables (375–450  g). This is similar in many other countries. Not eating enough vegetables has been connected to 17% of stroke cases and 10% of coronary heart disease cases. It has been projected that if Australians ate the suggested amount of 5-6 servings of veggies per day, the total healthcare expenditure in Australia would go down by $1.4 billion annually.




It has been suggested by research that although the current dietary advice recommends consumption of a large number of vegetables, not all vegetables provide the same level of health benefits. Some investigations have indicated that particular vegetables can be more advantageous in preventing cardiovascular illness than others. The findings of research that use data collected while an event is happening suggest that consuming more vegetables of the Brassicaceae or Cruciferae family, also known as cruciferous vegetables, is related to a lower possibility of heart disease risk. These vegetables, which are generally referred to as cruciferous vegetables, include broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale, and bok choy. Cruciferous vegetables are special because they are rich in a variety of nutrients and bioactive compounds that are not found in other food sources. Examples of certain elements that should be taken into consideration are organosulfur compounds, nitrate, and phylloquinone (which is vitamin K1). Studies conducted recently have shown that these compounds might be beneficial to cardiovascular health.

A great deal of research has been conducted on organosulfur compounds as they may have an effect on cancer, as well as being potentially useful for cardiovascular health. These substances could potentially impede the progression of atherosclerotic plaque by decreasing inflammation and destructive oxygen particles. Furthermore, aside from the possible advantages of sulfur-based molecules contained in cruciferous veggies, studies have demonstrated that nitrate can lower blood pressure among healthy persons and is likely to lessen the probability of ending up with cardiovascular issues. Nitrate from food is converted to nitrite in the mouth, then passes in the blood after being swallowed. The nitrite is changed to nitric oxide, a chemical that is essential in maintaining blood vessel health and strength. At the moment, there is little proof concerning the association between dietary consumption of phylloquinone and cardiovascular disease. Several studies appear to indicate an opposite relationship and there is developing confirmation of the likelihood of phylloquinone stopping vascular calcification.

It is probable that cruciferous vegetables are better for reducing your chances of getting cardiovascular disease, which means that deliberately changing your diet so that you eat more of them could be an important way to prevent cardiovascular disease. In conclusion, more data needs to be gathered in order to determine the cardiovascular positive aspects of cruciferous vegetables and their bioactive parts. It is necessary to carry out interventions to verify the advantages of these plant products on cardiovascular health and to decide if cruciferous vegetables are of a higher quality than more traditionally eaten vegetables. Currently, there are no studies being conducted to measure the effects of different types of vegetables on cardiovascular health. The proposed research will demonstrate if an increase in cruciferous vegetable consumption will have a beneficial effect on heart disease risk factors, like blood pressure, blood sugar, oxidative stress, and inflammation.





Primary objective

To find out if brassica vegetables are more efficient in reducing blood pressure than other veggies commonly eaten by middle-aged and senior people who have slightly increased blood pressure.

Secondary objectives

Investigating whether cruciferous vegetables are more advantageous than other vegetables typically eaten by middle-aged and elderly people with slightly elevated blood pressure levels in terms of reducing arterial stiffness, keeping glycaemic control in check, lessening oxidative stress, and relieving inflammation.

There will be a total of 25 individuals with slightly increased blood pressure (ranging between 120-160 mmHg) who are aged between 50-75 taking part in the study. This experiment will entail two two-week periods of intervention which will be done in an alternating fashion with a two-week break in between. For the duration of the study, participants will have to eat around 300 grams of cruciferous vegetables as part of their daily diet in the form of a soup, amounting to around 500-600 milliliters per day. This soup will have some standard vegetables in it, such as potato, sweet potato, carrot and pumpkin. The two soups will have similar levels of energy, protein, fat, and carbohydrates. Measurements will be conducted at the start and finish of all intervention cycles.


Strategies must be implemented to decrease the growing number of cases of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. What you eat can significantly influence your risk of developing certain conditions and is therefore an important factor to consider. It is a widely known fact that vegetables have a plethora of health benefits, yet people’s diets usually fall short of the recommended amounts established. Particularly in terms of vegetables that are beneficial to cardiovascular health, the consumption of them tends to be especially low. It may be wise to suggest certain kinds of vegetables.

This paper details the plan for a randomised controlled trial to assess the effects of augmenting cruciferous vegetables in a group of people who have slightly high blood pressure. In this analysis, a range of vascular and metabolic effects will be assessed to compare the advantages of cruciferous veggies versus more ordinary vegetables. The findings of this experiment will dictate how future studies assess how cruciferous vegetables can promote cardiovascular and metabolic health, possibly leading to refinements of nutrition and medical advice.



5 Steps to Lowering Your Blood Pressure

The first line of treatment for high blood pressure is to make healthy lifestyle changes:

  1. Get active
  2. Eat a heart-healthy diet
  3. Lose weight
  4. Manage stress
  5. Quit smoking

It is essential to follow your physician’s advice and take any hypertension medications they suggest. Many different medications exist that can manage high blood pressure, so if one medication generates adverse effects, your physician can lend a hand in locating a more appropriate one.

Even though your doctor may give you medication to manage your high blood pressure, it’s important for long-term success to regulate your weight, quit smoking, improve your nutritional intake, reduce stress, and do regular exercise to keep your heart healthy and your blood pressure under control.

If you have cardiovascular disease . . .

If you were recently told that you have a heart problem or experienced a major health issue like a stroke or heart attack, you may be feeling overwhelmed emotionally. Allow yourself to take it slow while adapting to the changes in your physical state and treat yourself with compassion and understanding. It is essential to recognize you have multiple options to accept your diagnosis and take charge of your wellbeing.



Tell Father Time to chill out for a while:

  • Can help improve mood, memory, and cognition

  • May help increase energy and vigor

  • Can enhance circulation

  • May support lower blood pressure

Purium’s Revive-It-All contains two very important ingredients that have been proven to help reverse memory loss and increase energy and vigor: Acetyl L-Carnitine and Alpha Lipoic Acid.


Tips for Making Healthy Lifestyle Changes

It can be intimidating for those with high blood pressure to modify their lifestyle to promote better health. Some people may only have to make a few changes to bring down their blood pressure, such as becoming more active or giving up smoking, but most of us need to make several lifestyle improvements. Even if you engage in unhealthy habits, there is no need to try to fix all of them at once. Doing multiple variations to one’s lifestyle simultaneously can be too much to handle. When we are overwhelmed, it is simpler to make the choice not to take any action instead of taking action.

Begin slowly and focus on implementing one or two modifications initially. Once those shifts have become a regular part of your routine, you can move on to adjusting another one or two things and so on. You may choose to begin by giving up smoking, coupled with relaxation exercises to assist with coping with the difficulty of quitting, and then progress to losing weight or improving your nutritional intake.

Lose the all or nothing thinking. Taking any action, regardless of its magnitude, is always preferable to doing nothing. If you eat healthy during the week, yet still indulge in takeouts over the weekend, your blood pressure and general well-being will be in better condition than if you were eating fast food every day.

Set specific goals. The more precise you make your goal, the simpler it is to adhere to. Rather than vowing to live a healthier lifestyle, try specifying small changes like eating two additional servings of vegetables at dinner and taking a 30-minute stroll during your lunch break.

Make a plan. Plan for success as carefully as you set your objectives. What time are you planning on working out if that is your aim? If you are unable to take out a half-hour block of time in your schedule, break it up into two 15-minute chunks instead. If you are hoping to shed some pounds, devise a strategy to curb yearnings or address daily stress without using food as a coping mechanism.

Change is a process. It is usually a gradual process to alter an individual’s habits and way of life rather than doing so instantly. Take the time to not be hard on yourself and keep your goals in mind, even when feeling discouraged.

Prepare for relapse and setbacks. Nobody gets it right all the time. Occasionally, we will succumb to unhealthy behaviors, not follow our diet plans, or miss a workout. Don’t beat yourself up. Rather than dwell on the setback resulting from your error, use it as an opportunity to grow by absorbing knowledge from the mishap. Figure out what kept you from making your desired lifestyle alteration and put together a different plan.


READ MORE:  High Blood Pressure Diet And Nutrition



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