Lots of our normal everyday household cleaners and beauty products have toxic chemicals in them. These harmful ingredients like ammonia, chlorine, phthalates, and synthetic fragrances when released into our air inside our homes cause indoor pollution. These items can lead to respiratory issues, skin irritants, and long term health concerns. Toxic chemicals have also been shown to increase the risk of asthma, raise the risk of cancer, and disrupt the nervous and reproductive systems.
VOCs, or volatile organic compounds are found in a lot of different products. VOCs are a group of chemicals that evaporate into the air, which can lead to respiratory issues and other health risks. VOC chemicals include formaldehyde, acetone, toluene, and ethanol. Common products with VOCs are paint, varnishes, glues, cleaning supplies, air fresheners, personal care products, perfumes, deodorants, lotions, certain aerosol sprays, all purpose cleaners, and disinfectants. Another group of harmful chemicals is the Proposition 65 list. This is a list of chemicals in California known to cause cancer, birth defects, and reproductive harm. Knowing these harmful chemicals can make you more aware of the products you are buying off the shelf.
Some people want to switch from toxic products to non toxic products but are unsure if they clean just as well. Most of the time they do. You will want to look for a non toxic product that reduces or eliminates the amount of hazardous chemicals, these products are usually plant based, biodegradable, and fragrance free. Using words like “green”, or “clean” can be a marketing hype. Make sure you are looking into the product before just picking one off the shelf. You can do this by looking for third party certifications from companies like EWGs verified cleaning product, EPAs safer choice, Green Seal, or Ecologo. These third party certifications mean the company making the product has submitted their product to one of these companies to get their backing. When looking for non toxic products make sure they list all their ingredients on the packaging. Companies are not mandated to list all incorporated ingredients, but ones that are truly natural and non toxic most often will list all their ingredients.
Swapping from toxic to non toxic can feel overwhelming when you start going down the list of all the things you want to swap. Here is a list of the most popular items to switch from toxic to nontoxic; deodorant, laundry detergent, dryer sheets, body soap bars, hand soap, body lotion, plastic ware in the kitchen, dish soap, non stick pans, window cleaner, all purpose cleaner, rug or carpet cleaner, candles, air fresheners, and toilet bowl cleaner.
Where are you supposed to start when swapping out these products? Swap one at a time so you won’t feel so overwhelmed. You can do this by swapping a product a week. If you are low on a toxic product instead of rebuying the same one, take the opportunity to swap them out to a non toxic version. You could start with one area in your house to switch to non toxic first. Like starting with the kitchen. Upgrading all your utensils to wooden instead of plastic, swapping plastic tupperware for glass, or swapping plastic cutting boards for wooden ones. Or if you have a product you don’t like, take the opportunity to find a non toxic version that you do like. You may also want to look at what is the most toxic product you are using in your house and eliminate that one first.
The next thing you have to look at is how to pick the best clean product. This is when you will have to do some research to see what you are ok with. Do your research before you walk down any aisle at a store or you may overwhelm yourself and abandon ship. Look for a company that gives you a full list of their ingredients. You want total transparency from these people. There should be no artificial or synthetic fragrances or colors in these clean products. They will usually be plant-based ingredients that are biodegradable. You can also look if the product has an A or B rating on the EWGs database. Once you have done your research then you are ready to buy. You may find a brand you love that covers all your essentials and shopping becomes real easy.
Another way to swap out toxic products for non toxic ones is to make your own. You can DIY your own cleaners, laundry detergent, and dish soap. If this sounds like something you would like to do, start with learning one or two new recipes and trying them out. Homemade cleaners are wonderful because you know exactly what you have put into them. They usually are very cost effective as well. You may save a ton of money then buying a product off the shelf, but buying a product off the shelf will save you a ton of time. You will have to see what is more important to you, time, or money. Common ingredients that are found in homemade cleaners are baking soda and vinegar. Most of the time you may already have these items.
Swapping from toxic products to non toxic is becoming a normal switch. It can feel very overwhelming when looking at all the products that have such harmful chemicals in them. Try to not get overwhelmed by picking one product to switch at a time. Make sure to do your research. Just because a product says it is clean does not always mean it is the cleanest.
READ MORE: Benefits Of Going Green To Clean