Fitness Workout Exercise Training For Over 60s

Today we are going to discuss about fitness workout exercise training for over 60s. Over sixties men and women face different challenges vs men and women in their mid or early 30s. As we age our body metabolism slows down and this creates many drastic changes in our physical behaviour.

As we age we will find ourselves with many physical and psychological challenges. We start to think slowly and our body movements also tend to slowdown. The engine that drives all the energy also slows down and this hugely impacts the fitness levels of a retiree.

But there are many fitness workout exercises and trainings that we can do after 60; such as: walking, swimming, jogging, water aerobics and many more.

After a certain age it is very hard to build muscle but it is not impossible, many over 60s men and women were successful in building muscle and maintain that physic. The secret relies on diet, exercise, will power, determination and off course current health condition.

Having a great physic is a sign of good health but if you have a serious health condition after 60 please talk to your doctor before starting a new fitness workout training exercise regime.

After reaching the 60 milestone as we discuss it early the body metabolism slows down and this means that food digestion becomes an issue. Proteins and other nutrients are hard to digest therefore it is recommended that you drink these health greens in a source of juice or soup.

Fruit and protein juices are easy to digest and they contain all the natural nutrients and minerals required for a health physic. There are many juice maker machines that are easy to operate and easy to clean.

Weight lifting will not be as simple and easy than it was when you were in your mid or early 30s but there are many other fitness exercise that you can do to archive that handsome body and we have listed those above.

And remember that cardio is the best exercise for your body and health condition, therefore walking 10000 steps a day will build muscle and burn over 661 calories! Read my earlier blogpost regarding walking exercise titled: Walk 10000 Steps a Day and burn 661 Calories.

I have also written another great article about fitness for retirees.