Get Your Sex Drive Back During Menopause

During menopause you loss all your sex drive or libido, here is how you can regain your youthfulness and get your sex drive back during and after menopause.

Menopause generally occurs after age 50 for both men and women. When Men lose their sex drive (impotency) it greatly impacts the daily routine as men get older they lose all their youthfulness.

As we men and women get older, the brain function slows down, metabolism slows down, tiredness kicks in, stamina and performance gets slow down and overall body shape and lean muscle gets old. The hair color changes, skin get thicker and hair starts to fall off. This process if called ageing.

Ageing impacts all of us but what most people are not aware of is that ageing process can be reserved! Yes you can reverse time and get young and stay young for life. How?

The answer relies on the anterior pituitary gland where 190 amino acids are form called human growth hormones, as we get older these hormones gradually stop producing and side effects of ageing occurs naturally.

How to get your sex drive back during menopause?

Your aim is to get overall healthy and feed your body proper nutrition to keep you feeling younger longer.  Therefore, eat a balanced diet and get moderate exercise most days of the week.  You also need to make sure you get proper sleep.  This is a good place to start.  After you get your healthy habits under control you may want to add some supplements to your routine.

Natural supplements can help fill in areas where your body has stopped producing hormones or where your nutrition is lacking.

A good supplement to try is Purium’s Super Life!

Super Life: 

  • May support healthy testosterone levels in men and women
  • May enhance sexual desire
  • Can support healthy circulation
  • May enhance mood or provide general sense of well-being

Once you get faithful with your healthy habits and supplement in areas where your body is lacking your body will start to rejuvenate and you will start to feel and look younger.