Vitamin C helps with a number of things in your body.  Not only is it needed for overall health, it also helps with absorption of plant based iron, it supports your immune system, promotes the production of collagen, and is a very strong antioxidant.  Vitamin C does not interfere with other vitamins in their absorption, so you can usually take Vitamin C along with something else. 

Zinc is important in our bodies immune function, growth, and wound healing.  Zinc can boost your metabolism function.  You can get zinc from eating chicken, red meat, fish, or beans.  Zinc has a lot of different advantages when taken daily.  Since zinc and vitamin C do not interfere with each other there is no reason why you couldn’t take these two together. 

Both of these together can help with adequate nutrition as well as immune health.  They both promote overall wellness.  When taken together they have shown to reduce the severity of cold symptoms.  You can usually find zinc and vitamin C as an over the counter supplement.  

The main advantages of taking vitamin c and zinc together is cold protection.  Vitamin c and zinc both separately help support your immune system.  It has been shown that taking vitamin c and zinc can help reduce the severity of a cold.  As well as taking a daily dose of vitamin c has shown to reduce the chance of you getting a cold.  Though these two things won’t necessarily prevent you from ever getting a cold they do help you recover when you do get sick.  Taking a throat lozenge with zinc and vitamin c has shown to drastically shorten the symptoms of a cold. 

Another advantage of taking both vitamin c and zinc together is they both help with eye disease protection.  Both have shown to help prevent vision loss caused from age-related macular degeneration.  This is because the vitamin c is high in antioxidants along with zinc can help slow down the vision loss.  Vitamin c has also shown to help prevent cataracts as well. 

Vitamin c and zinc both promote wound healing.  People who suffer from long term wounds or ulcers have also been tied to having low zinc levels.  Zinc is needed in almost every stage of wound healing.  Zinc helps the body’s formation and maintenance of skin.  Vitamin c is important in the wound healing process because it helps the body produce collagen.  Collagen is needed in the healing process just as much as zinc is needed.  The two working together can help heal and prevent long term wounds or ulcers. 

Before you take a supplement you will want to talk to your healthcare provider.  Taking too much of zinc can cause zinc toxicity.  Zinc sometimes doesn’t mix well with certain medications, antacids, copper, iron or penicillamine.  Too much zinc can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach cramps.  Though too much vitamin c is more unlikely to cause any symptoms or be harmful you could experience diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, abdominal cramps, headaches, or insomnia.  

Vitamin C and zinc are more than fine to be taken together.  They don’t interfere with each other in absorption.  They help each other boost immune health, wound healing, and to help reduce cold symptoms. 


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