Inflammation in the body is somewhat in your control.  Inflammation is the body’s natural response to the immune system.  It is part of the process of healing, by helping the body fight illness and protect the body from harm.  Chronic inflammation can occur.  Sometimes it is related to a medical condition such as psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, depression, or Alzheimer’s.  The good news is that you can control your body’s inflammation by what you eat, not just by taking medication. 

There are foods that can cause inflammation in the body.  Some of these are refined carbohydrates such as white bread or pastries, French fries or fried foods, red meat like steak or burgers, soda or sugary drinks, processed meat like hot dogs, and margarine of shortening.  Other things that can increase your body’s inflammation are smoking, obesity, and drinking excessively



If you have one of the mentioned health conditions that can cause excess inflammation it is easy to know if you are at risk.  If you haven’t been diagnosed with a medical condition chronic inflammation does have symptoms to be on the lookout for.  These symptoms can include brain fog, low back pain, skin symptoms, swollen lymph nodes, excess mucus production, low energy, poor digestion, balance problems, insulin resistance, dry eyes or blood clotting problems.  Symptoms may vary, and may flare up depending on what causes your inflammation.  


Fighting Inflammation With Foods

Medications can sometimes help control your body’s inflammation.  What you eat though can actually have sometimes a better impact for longer withstanding your inflammation levels.  The key to an anti-inflammatory diet is to fill your meals with anti-inflammatory foods while eliminating foods that increase your inflammation.  You will want to mix a variety of foods in this diet.  No one food will fix your health, having a healthy rounded diet is best.  Foods in an anti-inflammatory diet will be rich in nutrients, provide a range of antioxidants, and contain healthful fats.  

Foods that are good to consume in an anti-inflammatory diet are tuna and salmon, other fish are mackerel, sardines, anchovies.  Fruits such as blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, and cherries.  Leafy greens like kale, and spinach.  Broccoli, brussel sprouts, and cabbage are good vegetable choices.  As well as bell peppers. Beans and even sometimes legumes are a good choice as well.  Nuts such as walnuts or almonds, and other seeds are good to add into your anti-inflammatory diet.  Olives, olive oil, fiber and tomatoes are also foods you want to consume.  Red wine in moderation can also help fight inflammation.  For a drink choice green tea can help fight inflammation as well.  Dark chocolate can be a sneaky treat.  Spices that can be good to add into your diet are turmeric, cinnamon, or fenugreek.  Fresh, simple foods are best.  Processing foods can affect the nutrients you get from the food.  To help get a wide range of antioxidants a good rule of thumb is to try and eat the rainbow.  


Habits That Help Fight Inflammation

Along with your diet you can do some other things at home to help fight your inflammation.  Exercise daily, getting out and even just walking can help decrease inflammation throughout the body.  Getting enough sleep can also be extremely beneficial.  Certain supplements like fish oils can also help fight inflammation so taking these on top of your diet can help.  


You Can Do This!

Eliminating or switching from certain foods can sometimes be hard when transitioning into a new diet.  Take things slow.  Start finding healthy substitutes for certain foods so you don’t feel like you are missing out or your body doesn’t crave something it can’t have.  Finding healthier homemade versions of French fries or fast food alternatives can be easy and a fun way to experiment in the kitchen.  When shopping, get a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables that are easy to snack on.  Getting a wide variety will help you not get sick of specific things.  

An anti-inflammatory diet along with daily exercise, and good sleep can improve multiple things.  It can improve symptoms of autoimmune disorders such as lupus, or arthritis.  It can also decrease the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and depression.  Anti-inflammatory diets can improve your blood sugar, cholesterol and triglyceride levels.  It can also help improve your energy and your mood. 

Just because you don’t have an autoimmune disorder or a medical condition that can cause chronic inflammation you can still have chronic inflammation.  Seeing the signs and taking hold of your body’s inflammation levels can help you to start feeling better soon.  Making some switches in your diet can help start you off on the right track to managing your body’s inflammation. 


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