Teeth grinding in children is more common than you may think.  About 3 in every 10 kids grind their teeth before the age of 5 years old.  The first sign of teeth grinding is usually noticed by the parents of either hearing their child grind their teeth, or noticing the movement.  Grinding teeth in children under the age of 5 is usually no cause for concern.  Most children by the age of 6 will outgrow grinding their teeth.  Since they outgrow teeth grinding before any of their adult teeth have grown in there is usually no permanent damage.  If you notice that after the age of 6 your child is still grinding their teeth you will want to reach out to your doctor or dentist to see what options there are.  

The actual cause of teeth grinding is hard to pinpoint.  It can vary from child to child.  Babies between the age of 8 months old and 12 months old may grind their teeth because they are exploring what they can do with their newly grown teeth.  Other babies may grind their teeth because of teething pain.  In toddlers they may grind their teeth due to an ear infection that is causing them pain.  Another cause can be improper alignment of the teeth.  In children who don’t brush their teeth regularly, they may grind their teeth due to gum inflammation.  In older children teeth grinding can be a side effect of stress or anxiety.  Medications or medical conditions like cerebral palsy may also have side effects of teeth grinding.  Teeth grinding and sleep disorders like sleep apnea have been shown to be linked.  If your child has a sleep disorder they may be more prone to teeth grinding especially if they breathe through their mouths while sleeping. 

Bruxism is a condition where teeth grinding happens regularly.  It can either be during the day or night.  When grinding of the teeth occurs at night it is known as sleep bruxism.  This is only when teeth grinding is occurring in the evening or night time hours while you or your child are asleep.  If your child has sleep bruxism they are usually unaware that it is occurring.  They may wake up in the morning with a sore jaw without knowing the cause.  Bruxism is usually more common in children over the age of 6.  If your child still has it during their adolescent years, they can grow out of it before early adulthood.  

Symptoms of bruxism are usually mild.  Treatment is usually not needed and home remedies can help ease any discomfort caused from this condition.  Teeth grinding is the main symptom that happens often and regularly.  The severity of the teeth grinding can depend on how regularly the teeth grinding is occurring.  Teeth grinding is usually severe enough that someone else can hear the grinding.  Jaw clenching, worn teeth, jaw pain, earache, or headaches are all other symptoms of bruxism.  

If you notice your infant is grinding their teeth it can be a sign of them teething or just exploring what they are in control of.  You can give them a teething toy for them to chew on, or you can give them a frozen fruit in a mesh teether.  There are lots of different teether options you can offer your child to find the best fit and what helps them stop grinding their teeth.  

The cause for toddler and why they teeth grind can be a bit of a mystery.  If you can pinpoint the cause that may help you be able to adjust something to help them stop grinding their teeth.  If they are doing it at naptime and bedtime they may not know they are grinding their teeth.  Teeth grinding brought on by a toothache or ear infection may need a trip to the doctor to be able to be treated.

Older children and teens may grind their teeth due to stress and anxiety.  Finding relaxation techniques, or finding the source of the stress or anxiety may help relieve some of that tension.  A calm bedtime routine can also help an older child sleep more peacefully and may stop the teeth grinding.  If the teeth grinding persists and is causing damage to adult teeth in your child, you may need to look into a special mouthguard for them to wear at night.  These are similar to a mouth guard that an athlete would wear.  It is fitted specifically to your mouth, then stops your teeth from being able to rub together, which will stop teeth from being worn down.  

Usually teeth grinding in a child is no cause for concern.  Children usually grow out of teeth grinding by the age of 6 years old.  If it continues and happens often and regularly your child may have bruxism.  Bruxism is usually mild and can be managed at home without much intervention.  If teeth start getting worn down or there is jaw pain that is continual a special mouthguard can help stop the teeth grinding.  Infants as young as 7 months old may be susceptible to teeth grinding.  Finding what is causing your child to teeth grind can be nearly impossible especially if it is happening at night and your child is unaware of it.  



READ MORE: Toddler Teeth Spots

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