Top 6 Herbs To Get Rid of Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids or Piles is a medical term used when the lower portion of the rectum or anus veins get enlarge, swollen and painful. Hemorrhoids affects millions of people around the world and it causes real embarrassment due to the condition.

But Hemorrhoids or Piles can be treated with pills and without medicine. As said many people get embarrassed to go for a trip to the doctor or chemist shop, for those people I have a great news below are top 6 herbs that can and will help getting relief from Hemorrhoids/Piles.

Top 6 Herbs to get rid of Hemorrhoids / Piles:

  • Witch Hazel
  • Horse Chestnut
  • St. Mary Thistle
  • Krameria Mapato
  • Arnica Montana
  • Fluoride of Lime

Getting the extracts of the above mention herbs will provide extreme relief from Hemorrhoids.


Piles can be painful and many pregnant women get Hemorrhoids as well as men at age 40+ and when it comes the time to flush off waste from the body causes extreme pain in the anal area. Eating foods rich in fibre can help passing waste with less pain, also drinking plenty of water will ensure that the food gets easily diluted and passed away.

Natural Remedies for Hemorrhoids

The best advice I can give you to manage and get extreme relief from Hemorrhoids/Piles is to get all the top 6 extracts and there is a spray on the market that is made from 100% natural extracts of these herbs, it is called Venapro to find more information about this product visit