Itchiness can be a common ailment for your child.  After being outside it is common for your child to say they feel itchy, usually you know what is causing the itch.  Most of the time it can be traced down to a bug bite.  In some cases the cause of the itch can be hard to discover. 


Causes Of Itchy

Grass Allergy

One cause of itchiness in children is a grass pollen allergy.  This can occur when your child comes in contact with certain types of grasses.  If they have run through grass that is tall, or sat down in grass a skin rash may appear on their legs or any area that came in contact with the grass.  Grass allergies can also present nasal symptoms such as a runny nose, congestion, difficulty breathing, or watery eyes. 

The best way to prevent grass allergy skin rashes is to avoid grass.  Not all types of grass will trigger your allergy, so it is important to know what grass type causes your reaction.  Another option if you can’t avoid it completely is to dress appropriately.  If you know you will be exposed to grass, wear long pants that cover most of your skin.  Make sure to wash your hands after coming inside, or take a shower. 

Sun Allergy 

Another cause for skin itchiness is a sun allergy.  Sun allergies happen when you are exposed to ultraviolet radiation, UV rays.  An itchy rash can appear from any exposure to sunlight. 

This can be hereditary.  Other triggers of a sun allergy are medications, certain plants, fragrances, or chemicals.  Symptoms of a sun allergy are itchiness, stinging, tiny bumps, flushing of exposed skin, blisters, and hives. 

To help avoid you can make sure you wear protective clothing.  Make sure that you wear light layers if it is hot, but that your skin is covered.  Avoid exposure, this can mean not going out when the UV index is at its highest, which is normally between 10am and 4pm every day.  You can buy UV blocking film to put over windows in your home.  Even when it is cloudy outside, apply at least SPF 30 sunscreen. 

Some chemicals in sunscreen can trigger a sun allergy, so make sure you are choosing appropriate sunscreen that doesn’t aggravate your allergy.  If you are taking medications that cause you to have sun sensitivity, you may want to speak with your doctor if it is becoming an issue. 

Over the counter corticosteroid creams can help with the itching.  In severe cases your doctor may want you to try phototherapy.  This is when they will gradually get your skin used to UV rays.  Building up your skin tolerance.  




Atopic Dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is the most common cause of skin itchiness.  Eczema is normally present in children who suffer from it by age 5.  In some cases it may not be diagnosed until later, but most of the time it is present very early on. 

Atopic dermatitis is an itchy skin rash that usually occurs in certain places.  In babies it is very common on their cheeks.  Other common places are elbows, knees, buttocks, neck, wrists, ankles, around the eyes, and on the hands. 

The best way to treat atopic dermatitis is with a healthy skin care routine.  It is important to make sure you moisturize your skin daily.  You can use over the counter corticosteroid creams to help with the itchiness, and the discomfort.  The best way to stop flare ups is to avoid triggers. 

Common triggers are soaps, detergents, shampoos, bubble baths, dry weather, dust mites, pet fur, and pollen. 

Heat Rash

Heat rash is when the sweat gland pores become blocked and sweat can’t escape.  This can be another cause of an itchy rash in children.  Heat rash looks like small pink or red bumps.  Usually found in areas where the sweat glands easily become blocked.  Such as underneath clothing, on the neck, in the elbows, armpits, or thighs.  Some people suffer from heat rash more than others. 

If your child does suffer from heat rash it is important to keep them cool when they are outside.  Dress them in light layers.  Make sure they are well hydrated.  Areas that tend to stay moist on your child, make sure you pat them dry after they are all done playing.  Leave areas that tend to become hot and wet open to the air, to air out. 

Heat rash is common in children who wear diapers.  Leaving their diaper off for a period of time can help cool down the area.  

Swimmers Itch

Swimmers itch occurs after swimming or wading in outdoor water areas.  Most common in freshwater like a lake or a pond.  Swimmers itch can occur after being exposed to saltwater too. 

Swimmers itch is a reaction to tiny parasites that are in the water.  The parasites get in your skin and start to burrow.  They usually die quickly because they cannot live on humans.  But swimmers itch can appear if you have a reaction to these parasites.  The rash looks like tiny pimples on the skin.  It usually affects the areas that aren’t covered by a swimsuit, or a wetsuit. 

The best course of action is to make sure you pick your areas where you swim appropriately to avoid these parasites.  Make sure you rinse with clean water after swimming in freshwater areas.  Usually swimmers itch clears on its own.  You can use corticosteroid creams to help with the itch, antihistamines to help the allergic reaction your body is having to the parasites, or an epsom salt bath to ease any discomfort.  



Itchiness after being outside can be hard to diagnose.  It is persistent in your child. You may want to talk to your doctor about the causes.  There are lots of reasons why your child may be itchy after being outside.  



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