Matcha tea comes from the camellia sinensis bush, which is also the source of all green, white, and black teas. The name “matcha” literally means “powdered tea.”

The process of turning tea leaves into a powder is something that has been done for a long time. During the Tang Dynasty in China (600-900 AD), matcha was the primary way to consume tea.

A huge transfer of knowledge and culture from China to Japan occurred in the 1100s, which is how matcha made its way across the ocean. Zen Buddhism and matcha tea are often thought of as being inseparable. This is because they both flourished during the same time period.

By the 1500s, matcha became part of the formal Japanese tea ceremony, which celebrated stillness and simplicity. As it lost its appeal in China, it grew in popularity in Japan.

Green tea is the healthiest beverage in the world. But what makes matcha special?

The matcha process begins when the green tea leaves are still growing. The plants are shaded in order to increase chlorophyll and amino acid content, as well as improve the appearance and flavor of the tea. This gives matcha powder its brilliant green color.

Once the leaves are harvested, they are steamed, dried, and blended. Then, they are ground up into a fine powder that you mix into hot or cold water.

The result? You’re actually drinking the entire tea leaf! The leaves of traditional green tea infuse the water with dissolvable elements.

So matcha powder not only gives you the health benefits of green tea, but also additional benefits! Matcha tea has three times the amount of antioxidants than regular green tea.

Most people find typical matcha teas have a strong flavor that is similar to wheatgrass or spinach. But premium matcha teas have a variety of well-balanced flavors, with layers of unfolding creaminess, umami, fresh-cut grass, and roasted notes.


The Health Benefits of Matcha Tea

Here are ten science-backed health benefits in matcha tea:


1. Supports Heart Health

Green tea catechins may support a healthy cardiovascular system. When it comes to catechin content, matcha is the most potent type of green tea.

So where’s the evidence for this?

  • A 2001 study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that “Catechins, whether from tea or other sources, may reduce the risk of ischemic heart disease mortality but not of stroke.”
  • A 2009 study published in Stroke found that consuming 3 cups of green or black tea each day could help prevent ischemic stroke.

  • A comprehensive analysis published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that green tea can significantly reduce serum TC and LDL-cholesterol levels, but does not have an effect on HDL cholesterol levels.

Green tea is rich in antioxidants, which have been shown to support healthy arteries.


2. Supports Healthy Cells and Skin

Matcha is advertised to improve your overall complexion, slow down skin aging and reduce dark circles.

Matcha contains methylxanthines. Methylxanthines is an alkaloid found in chocolate and caffeine. This alkaloid stimulates the central nervous system and can also help your skin appear glowing.

Matcha also contains chlorophyll.  Chlorophyll helps keep plants healthy by protecting them from toxins.  Chlorophyll can also help you detox and clear up skin problems.

Collagen is a protein found in our skin, bones, muscles and tendons.  It holds us together.  Matcha is a good source of collagen.  As we age the production of collagen slows.  It can be helpful to boost your overall collagen with outside sources to remain youthful looking.

Matcha green tea can help protect your skin against UV damage. The anti-inflammatory properties of this plant may help to protect your skin from certain conditions such as rosacea.



3. Supports Brain Health

Drinking matcha has been linked to improved cognitive function.

The study, published in the journal Nutrients tracked 12 elderly nursing home residents with cognitive dysfunction. After 3 months the residents who took part drinking green tea regularly had significantly lower levels of cognitive decline than those who did not.

Another paper published in 2017 in Food Research International was based on research with healthy adults. The study suggests that matcha may support healthy brain function in young people.

An amino acid called N-acetyl-L-tyrosine (NALT) can help improve your working memory skills over time, according to a study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food in 2021. NALT may also be involved in executive function and attention.

The combination of L-theanine and caffeine can improve cognition and brain function. This has led many experts to believe that L-theanine is worth continued study for its potential to prevent memory decline. More research is certainly needed, in any case.

A 2020 study examined matcha green tea powder consumption and memory function alongside impulsivity in the elderly; the study indicated that supplementation with matcha may help prevent cognitive decline in elderly women, though more research is needed.

New research will continue to build on matcha green tea’s potential for cognition, finding more definitive ties that may influence how healthcare providers regard the beverage.

A small 2014 controlled study that suggested just 2g of matcha powder consumed daily over the course of 2 months had a direct correlation in improved recorded brain function in elderly individuals.

4. Supports Healthy Metabolism

Matcha appears to help with weight management by aiding in metabolism and burning fat.

Adding matcha to your diet can reduce body fat.  A study of 182 mildly overweight Chinese men found that supplementing their diet with catechin enriched green tea, reduced body fat and waist circumference.

The study found that women who drank matcha before a brisk walk burned more calories than those who didn’t. A cup of matcha before a brisk walk can help burn more calories, according to a 2018 study. The scientists found that consuming matcha helped to boost fat-burning during the walk.


5. Supports Mood and Mental Focus

Matcha contains more amino acids than other types of tea. It has been discovered that matcha powder is very high in one of the most prized amino acids, L-theanine.

What does L-theanine do for you? This amino acid can help promote a relaxed and introspective state that is ideal for deep concentration.

Drinking matcha is commonly described as giving a feeling of “relaxed alertness” or being like “meditation in a cup.” This is because the caffeine in matcha helps the mind focus and stay alert, while the L-theanine in it helps the mind relax.

L-theanine is an amino acid that can be found in tea. This is why the caffeine buzz from tea is different than the buzz from coffee. This supplement provides you with calm energy while still balancing the jitters or anxiety you might feel.

The L-theanine levels in matcha are higher than in any other type of green tea. Matcha tea has five times more L-theanine than the green tea.

Did you know that one of the earlier uses of matcha was to help Japanese monks with their meditation practice? Matcha can help people stay alert and calm for several hours.

Most of us could benefit from being calmer and more alert, even if we don’t meditate regularly.



6. Matcha Tea is Highly Caffeinated, But Combats Jitteriness

The unique flavor and taste of matcha is due in part to its caffeine content. L-theanine is an amino acid that can be found in green tea powder. It can help to offset the stimulating effects of caffeine.

The article suggests that L-theanine in matcha may help improve mood by increasing production of dopamine and serotonin.

On average, matcha powder contains more caffeine than regular green tea, and about the same amount of caffeine as black coffee. Therefore, matcha is a good choice for a morning drink that will not cause as much of a crash or afternoon slump.

Drinking coffee can help people stay energized and alert throughout the day. Multiple cups can be safely consumed each day.

The caffeine content in matcha powder can vary depending on the age of the leaves harvested and the brewing method used. If you’re looking for a more caffeinated tea than normal, matcha is a good choice.

READ MORE:  Caffeine Health Benefits

7. Matcha May Play a Small Role in Cancer Prevention

There have been some studies that suggest that green tea consumption could be linked to a reduced risk of cancer.

A 2018 analysis illustrated that regular tea consumption could be linked to a reduced risk of ovarian cancer.

The presence of EGCG in matcha and green tea may help to lower cancer risk. EGCG is a catechin that has been linked to anti-cancer benefits in many studies.

A 2001 study found that green tea extract may be effective in reducing the size and growth of breast cancer tumors in rats.

8. Matcha Tea May Assist in Weight Management

There are many studies that try to show a connection between green tea and weight loss, particularly by increasing metabolism.

Many people believe that green tea and matcha can help with weight loss because of a 2009 review that suggests it can sustain weight loss. There is also a small study that suggests green tea extract can improve fat-burning by 17%.

The reason green tea and matcha tea are linked to weight management is because they are healthier options than soda and sugary energy drinks.

Some research has indicated that green tea may lead to modest weight loss, but this research is not considered clinically significant. The weight loss was also thought to be more associated with the caffeine found in green tea, since caffeine can reduce appetite in some people.

9. Matcha Powder is Rich in Antioxidants

Antioxidants from natural dietary choices can help reduce the risk of disease and inflammation. According to a 2021 scholarly study review, matcha is one of the richest antioxidant sources naturally available.

The antioxidants in matcha powder help to promote a balanced diet.

Matcha contains high levels of antioxidants, including substances like L-theanine, chlorophyll, and catechins.

The catechin found in the greatest amount in green tea is epigallocatechin-3-gallate, or EGCG, which has been shown in research to have anti-inflammatory benefits with no severe adverse effects.

10. Pure Matcha Tea is Packed With Essential Vitamins

Matcha powder found that it is a good source of vitamins A and C, as well as other nutrients.

Matcha tea has more than double the amount of vitamin C of other green teas.   This varies depending on the temperature the tea is prepared at.

The main benefit of consuming matcha is the high level of vitamin C, which can help improve skin health and bolster the immune system.

A study found that adding milk or cream to green tea reduced the absorption of catechins and other nutrients. If you want to reduce the strong flavor of matcha tea, adding fresh lemon may help you absorb these important nutrients better.


No food or beverage, no matter how many benefits medical studies may find, is right for everyone at all times. Matcha contains caffeine, and not everyone responds well to caffeine.

Although it can be expensive, high-quality matcha is worth trying for many people. You can take a break from your day to relax and enjoy the rich flavors and calming energy of the experience.

We can all enjoy a little bit of happiness every now and then.


READ MORE:  Matcha Brewing And Benefits 101


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