Organic protein powders may help people get the protein they need every day. There are many types of protein powder, but whey is one of the most popular. Whey is a protein found in milk. There are also plant protein powders to help build muscle and aid in workout recovery.

You can get all the protein you need by eating food, but people who work out regularly, don’t eat enough protein every day or eat mostly plants, may find protein powders helpful.

There is no evidence to suggest that organic protein powders are any more or less nutritious than their conventional counterparts, although organic foods as a whole may help to lower your exposure to pesticide residue.

The environmental impacts of organic and conventional agriculture differ in terms of soil quality and biodiversity. Organic agriculture cultivates better soil quality and is better for biodiversity, while conventional agriculture produces higher yields and less pollution per product.

Angie Asche MS, RD, CSSD, author of “Fuel Your Body: How to Cook & Eat for Peak Performance” recommends looking for a protein powder with a minimal ingredients list, at least 20 grams of protein, and additional third-party testing labels, like NSF Certified for Sport or Informed-Choice for Sport Certified.

A third-party testing label provides verification that a product has been tested by an outside company to ensure that it contains the listed ingredients and is free of unsafe levels of contaminants.

Protein powders can be a helpful way to increase your intake of this nutrient, but be sure to check the source of the protein before buying. For example, whey protein is not ideal if you are lactose intolerant or vegan.

Protein powders are often used by people who want to build muscle or recover after a workout.

Ingesting products that use synthetic ingredients, preservatives, and additives that may not have a positive impact on one’s health.



Whey protein comes from milk.  Milk proteins provide beneficial antibodies that help fight off infection.

Whey protein is an ideal post workout choice because it is easy to absorb and digest.

Whey protein is a good source of the amino acid leucine, which helps with recovery after exercise.

Whey isolate is made up of at least 90 percent protein and contains less lactose and fat.

When looking for a whey protein powder product make sure it does not contain any synthetic growth hormones (rBGH), antibiotics or pesticides.

Some people will not be able to use a whey protein powder product due to lactose intolerance.  Lactose intolerance is a dairy allergic reaction to lactose.



Within the last few years, protein powders made from plants have become more common. These powders are usually made from soy, hemp, pea, nuts, rice, and other plants. There are many types of organic protein powders that contain additional nutrients like vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, or probiotics.

You can get all the protein you need by eating food, but people who work out regularly, don’t eat enough protein every day or eat mostly plants, may find protein powders helpful.

Plant protein powder is a protein powder made from plants, which is a great choice for those who can’t have dairy.

Many plant proteins come from: peas, brown rice, sacha inchi, cacao, Himalayan salt, monk fruit, flax, pumpkin and chia seeds.

People should get their protein from plant-based sources that come from a variety of food sources. A plant protein blend made up from a variety of plants will give you access to a better variety of amino acids.



A good plant protein powder will contain:

Probiotics Probiotics are live beneficial bacteria that live naturally in your body.  Good bacteria helps eliminate bad bacteria keeping you healthy and not ill.  Probiotic supplements can help to add good bacteria to your body.

PrebioticsPrebiotics are plant fibers that are a source of food for your gut’s healthy bacteria.  They make your digestive system work better.

Essential Vitamins – Vitamins E, A, D and K help to support your immune system.

Amino Acids – Amino acids assist in muscle recover they are the subunits of protein.

Digestive Enzymes – Digestive enzymes help break down plant proteins so you should not experience bloating. There are 5 digestive enzymes: amylase, neutral protease, lactase, lipase, and cellulase. People with lactose intolerance may find relief by taking lactase enzymes.

Fiber – Fiber aids digestion.

Calcium – Calcium is needed for healthy muscles.



Choosing the Right Protein Powder

The best organic protein powders are those that are high in protein content and free from synthetics. Their ingredients are usually those that have been harvested from soil that is free from additives. To pick the best protein powder consider your dietary and lifestyle requirements.

Choose a protein powder with little to no sugar if you are following a keto diet.

If you’re interested in benefits beyond protein, such as vitamins or minerals that can help with specific health conditions, look for a powder that contains these ingredients. For example, according to the NIH, vitamin C can help with inflammatory issues, while turmeric may help fight arthritis, according to the Mayo Clinic.

If you have sensitivities to soy, gluten, egg, or dairy, read over the ingredient list of protein powders to ensure you’re not buying one that can cause digestive issues. Protein powder comes in a variety of flavors, including vanilla chai, chocolate peanut butter, and unflavored. Choose a protein powder based on your desired flavor and taste.


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