We have all been to the gym and have noticed the guy who is dripping sweat and the guy who looks like he has just walked in the door but really has been there for an hour. It can be easy to get self conscious about the amount of sweat we produce. Sweat varies from person to person. How much you sweat could actually be a sign of good conditioning. Sometimes we think if we are in good condition we will sweat less. This is not always true.
Fluid Intake & Sweat
Sweating is the way our body regulates its internal temperature. It helps cool the body off. Conditioned bodies will sweat more because the blood volume is higher, athletes have a tendency to drink more water, and the body knows when to start sweating to cool off quicker.
Some doctors say that how much water you drink correlates with how much you sweat. That the more you drink the more you sweat. Some studies have shown that if you are over hydrated you will excessively sweat. Your body is trying to get rid of the excess amount of water you intake and sweating is a fast way for your body to get rid of excess water.
People who drink more than 1.5 liters of water a day may be over hydrating. Which may lead them to sweat more often. If you think you are over hydrating, look at your urine. If your urine is completely clear with no other color than you are probably over hydrated. A slight bit of yellow is ok in your urine that is normal. Very dark urine though may indicate dehydration.
Causes & Risks For Sweating
Other doctors think that how much you sweat is determined by your genetics and cardiovascular endurance.
What you wear, the weather, and the amount of energy that is being exerted play more a role in how much you sweat than how much water you are drinking.
People who are conditioned more have a tendency to sweat more because they have a higher metabolic rate causing them to sweat more easily.
People who are overweight may also sweat more than others.
Wearing many layers of clothing when the temperatures are hot when working out may also cause you to sweat more than normal.
Anxious people have a tendency to sweat when they are in situations that cause them anxiety.
Determine Your Sweat Rate
Everyone has a different sweat rate. This is the amount of fluid you lose during exercising. If you want to find out your sweat rate, first follow these steps; urinate before workout, weigh before workout, workout for 1 hour, drink like normal during your workout, do not use the bathroom when working out, and then weigh after workout in the exact same clothing you weighed beforehand. There are sweat rate calculators you can use to figure out what your sweat rate is.
Knowing your sweat rate helps you know how much water you need to be drinking before, during, and after your workouts. Sweat rates can be anywhere from 3 to 4 liters or as high as 10 liters per day. Your sweat rate is proportional to your metabolic rate.
Men generally have higher sweat rates than women. The temperature, and how intense your workout is all play a role in your sweat rate as well. It is important that you take your sweat rate at different times throughout the year as the weather and temperatures change.
Warning: Dehydration
Sweating can be one of the easiest ways for you to become dehydrated. It is important that if you have a high sweat rate to make sure you are keeping hydrated throughout your workouts. It is also important to drink plenty of water before your workout, a cup of water every 20 minutes during your workout, and then make sure you are rehydrating after your workout.
Some athletes like sports drinks with extra electrolytes and carbohydrates in them for after workouts. Sports drinks can be high in sugar. Drinks that you should avoid while working out are caffeine, which can make you urinate more causing even more loss of fluids, or juices which are high in carbohydrates and low in sodium. You do not need to rehydrate immediately after your workout, look to rehydrate over the next two to six hours after you are done working out.
Why you sweat so much can depend on a lot of factors. Amounts of fluids you drink, genetics, weight, or conditioning. It is not a bad thing to sweat a lot.
It is important to know how much you sweat, so you make sure you rehydrate appropriately. Dehydration can cause headaches, weakness, fatigue, muscle cramps, mood changes, and slow reaction times.
If you are sweating you should be drinking water. If you aren’t drinking water while sweating you risk the chance of heat stress, lower normal body function capability, and lower performance.
Need help recovering after a workout? Rehydrate with Purium’s Super Lytes! Super Lytes is the ultimate rehydration and electrolyte supplement the natural alternative for sodium pills and artificial sports drinks.
Is fitness tied to the amount you sweat? You might be surprised by the answer! #HealthSurgeon