Can you improve your health by avoiding food for a time?  The simple answer is yes!  Fasting is willingly abstaining from food or drink or both for a period of time.  Many people will fast for religious reasons but scientific studies are now showing that fasting has health benefits that go beyond weight loss.

Animals in the wild often fast when wounded or ill, this same habit may also help humans heal and bring about better health outcomes.


Why should I fast?

Eliminate toxins from our body is a good thing.  Our bodies are contaminated by our environment from the foods we eat and the air we breathe.  If we were to examine inside your body we would find pesticides used in agriculture, food additives, drug residues and household chemicals.  When we breathe we take in lead and mercury and other compounds that are floating thru the air.  Fasting helps us clear the toxins that are on the inside.

Many diseases and conditions are related to obesity and being overweight.  Fasting can help reduce the risk for these conditions that are from dietary excess.  Some health conditions related to dietary excess are:  Diabetes, stroke, and high blood pressure.


Health Benefits Of Fasting

  1. The American Heart Association states that regular fasting is associated with lower rates of heart failure and improved metabolism.
  2. Reduces risks for diabetes, thyroid disorders, hypertension and heart disease.
  3. Promotes weight loss.  Resets are desire for healthy food, makes us more satisfied with smaller portions.
  4. Slows aging.  Those who regularly fast lower their mortality rate by 45 percent.
  5. Reduces risk of metabolic disease.
  6. Removes mucus from the lungs and sinuses improving breathing.
  7. Cleans toxins from the blood stream and reduces cholesterol.
  8. Lowers heart rate and blood pressure.
  9. Colon walls are more effectively cleaned allowing for better absorption of nutrients which can improve energy.
  10. Improves insulin resistance.
  11. Improves mental clarity and stabilizes mood.


Types Of Fasting:

Total Fast – This is the type of fast where you give up all food or drink or both for a certain period of time.  Many juice fasts ask you to give up all solid foods for 10 to 30 days and only drink your nutrients.  This type of fast can facilitate rapid weight loss and reset your metabolism.

Partial Fast –  This is a fast where you give up a type of food.  For example, sugar or coffee.  You are picking one food or group of foods and abstaining from them for a given period of time.  This type of fast can help you break a bad food or drink habit that you might have started.  You should try this fast for at least 21 days to make sure that you don’t go back to your old way of eating.

Intermittent Fast – This is a fast where you set certain hours that you will consume food and drink.  Many people try for at least a 12 hour window where they are not consuming anything so that their body can rest from digestion.  This time of fast helps your body get lined up with your circadian rhythm and can improve sleep and facilitate cell repair which happens at night.  Eating only between the hours of 10 am to 6 pm would work for this type of fast.


Who shouldn’t fast?

You should always talk with your health care professional before trying fasting.  Fasting is not for everybody.  You should avoid fasting if:

  • You have Diabetes
  • You have an Eating Disorder
  • You have Low Blood Sugar
  • You have Low Body Weight

It is important to make sure you stay hydrated when you fast.  Fasting can cause headaches and may trigger migraines.  Fasting can cause electrolyte imbalance and cause kidney damage.



Consider Purium’s Super Amino 23!  This is a pre-digested protein that goes directly into your blood stream in 23 minutes.  Super Amino 23 does not enter the intestines and is absorbed into the lymph system – producing no fecal residue. You can take this supplement while on fast!




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