Diet and Exercise Plan How to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

Obesity and type 2 diabetes are a growing online trend, today we will discuss diet and exercise plans in how to prevent type 2 diabetes.

There are over 4 million diabetics in the UK and this number is expected to rise to 5 million by 2025. It is a growing trend but it should be avoided.

Growing numbers of obese and over weight people are the cause of this rise in type 2 diabetes. Preventing obesity is a good starting point to reduce this growing number of diabetics in UK and worldwide.

Children are also vulnerable to type 2 diabetes and this is why I decided to write this article. Below are 3 good ways to prevent type 2 diabetes:


3 Tips in How to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes (Diet and Exercise)

#1 Avoid Sugary Foods

Recent studies show that men, women and children are eating 3 times more sugar cubes than the recommended daily dose. I am not suggesting to stop eating chocolates and sweets. What I am saying is to control your daily sugar intake. Children should not eat more than 6 cubes of sugar a day. Too much sugar causes obesity, teeth decay and type 2 diabetes.

#2 Walk 2 Hours a Day

Doing regular cardiovascular exercises is a good way to burn calories. Walking 2 hours a day is sufficient to maintain a good body mass index. 2 hours walk at your local park burns around 500 calories which is the bare minimum what you should aim for. You do not need to get a gym membership in order to walk 2 hours a day.

#3 Drink 3 Litres of Water a Day

Water is essential for the body metabolism, drinking 3 litres of water a day ensures that your body runs at a smooth pace. It also helps to control your blood sugar levels.


There you have it 3 tips in how to prevent type 2 diabetes. If you follow these diet and exercises plans you will ensure that your body stays healthy for longer. Preventing obesity is the first step in tackling this global rise of type 2 diabetes.