When your red blood cells are broken down your body makes bilirubin  Your liver processes the bilirubin and then it is processed with the other waste in your body  Bilirubin travels through your liver, gallbladder, and digestive tract  BilirubinContinue Reading

Hiccups can start as early as 9-10 week gestational age  Hiccups in the womb can feel like small rhythmic kicks as your baby grows  These hiccups that your baby is experiencing in the womb are a way of your baby practicing breathing  They helpContinue Reading

Camu Camu (Myrciaria dubia) is a small, sour berry native to the Amazon rainforest, primarily found in Peru, Brazil, and Colombia The fruit is about the size of a cherry and grows on a shrub that thrives in the floodplains of the Amazon Camu Camu isContinue Reading