Afraid of eating

Eating Disorder

Health Surgeon Team

Do you have an eating disorder This quick test can help you determine if you are suffering from anorexia nervosa or ...[More]

Upset crying woman by the ocean

Depression Test

Health Surgeon Team

Depression affects 14 million adults per year in the United States Depression results in absenteeism costing US ...[More]

Back pain - Athletic woman rubbing her back

Lower Back Pain

Health Surgeon Team

Americans spend billion each year on low back pain It is the most common cause of job related disability and a leading ...[More]

alcoholic drunk man thoughtful on alcohol addiction at bar of pub

Alcohol Abuse Quiz

Health Surgeon Team

Alcohol Use Disorders are defined by drinking over a period of time and in ways that lead to problems with physical ...[More]


Risk Of COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)

Health Surgeon Team

What is COPD COPD is a serious lung disease that over time makes it hard to breathe You may have heard COPD called ...[More]


Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Health Surgeon Team

4% of the total US adult population or 8 million adults have Adult ADHD As many as 60% of all children diagnosed with ...[More]

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